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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Chief encounters: Jess Dolan on being part of the solution

This feature is over 9 years old

The Ramblers Scotland director says charities play a vital role in keeping society healthy, democratic and connected.

What is your morning routine?
Hit snooze. Sigh. Make tea. Enjoy the quiet for a few moments.

What do you procrastinate over?
To do lists. I love a good list but sometimes the joy of writing a list gets in the way of actually doing anything on the list.

Why do you work in the third sector?
I believe charities play a vital role in keeping society healthy, democratic and connected.

Chief encounters: Jess Dolan on being part of the solution

I love a good list but sometimes the joy of writing a list gets in the way of actually doing anything on the list

Jess Dolan

What’s the worst job you’ve ever done?
Breakfast waitress at a small hotel. I’m not a very good waitress and I wasn’t particularly good at mornings at that stage in my life, so it didn’t end well.

How often do you change your job?
I’ve been in this role for six months, before that I was at RSPB for nine months (maternity cover) and before that, Friends of the Earth for eight years. So quite a range.

How do you relax?
Reading, walking, running, swimming, watching films.

What was the last thing you did that scared you?
Giving birth (and especially recovering from that) was pretty bloody scary.

Would we all be better off if charities did more in our society?
Well it would depend on which charities and why I think. Not all charities are created equal.

What’s your favourite film?
The Princess Bride: it's a cinematic masterpiece (featuring rodents of unusual size).

What turns you into the office Victor Meldrew?
People talking to me as I’m trying to leave office, I’m always setting off late as it is!

What motivates you?
You can be part of the problems you see in the world, or part of generating the solutions. And it’s better to start today than to wait until the circumstances are perfect.

Have you got thoughts on what you will do when you retire?
Err. I think I’ve got at least 30 years to go so it seems a bit remote at the moment!

If you were your boss would you like you?
I’m not sure. I’m not sure I’m the right personality type to successfully manage my personality type.

Brian Denis Cox or Brian Edward Cox?
To have dinner with? Brian Edward Cox. Who doesn’t want an excuse to find out how it felt to be the soundtrack to New Labour?