Have a Close Encounter with Lorraine McGrath from Simon Community Scotland
Is it better to work for a big or a small organisation?
I don’t know how you would describe us, medium-sized or big - we have 200 staff. Small can be beautiful, but so can big.
Where did you work last?
Places for People Scotland (care and support).
Upwards, downwards, sideways - life has so much to offer and I have such an appetite for it
Lorraine McGrath
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
There are highlights every day, seeing people doing great things. I know that sounds cheesy, but it’s true.
Who is or was your role model?
I work with him, so how lucky is that? Hugh Hill - director of services and development, here at Simon Community Scotland. We were both at SAMH together; he is a constant source of inspiration.
If you could give one piece of advice what would it be?
See the person, not a problem.
How did you end up in this job?
I got lucky.
Is this a step on the ladder to success or your final destination?
Who knows? Upwards, downwards, sideways? Life has so much to offer and I have such an appetite for it.
You are a homelessness charity; what could charities learn from the work you do?
Look after your people; it’s them - after all - who are providing the service.
You are marking your 50th anniversary. Where might Simon Community Scotland be in another 50 years?
Of course, we would all like to see the complete eradication of homelessness. But so long as there is homelessness, we’ll do our best to be there, providing practical solutions.
What motivates you?
Outcomes and impacts.
What’s your favourite film and why?
Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I first saw it when I was in primary seven, at school, and I was mesmerised.
Would your 18-year-old self be impressed with where you are now?
She would be gobsmacked. I am still gobsmacked.
Brian Denis Cox or Brian Edward Cox?
Depends what day it is.
Lorraine McGrath is chief executive of Simon Community Scotland.