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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Chief encounters: Mary Allison on disappointing her 16-year-old self

This feature is almost 8 years old

Breast Cancer Care Now's director for Scotland likes fox cubs, coffee and churros and keeping focus on the people her charity serves

What makes a good day at work?

Positive colleagues and great feedback from our supporters

Do you socialise with colleagues outside the Christmas party?

Yes, more coffees than caipirinhas, more churros than chips though. It’s all there on Leith Walk

What’s the best thing that’s happened this month?

Being nominated for the SCVO Cracking Campaign – vote for us in the People’s Choice Award.

What’s your favourite animal?

The fox cubs in my garden – they look so playful from the window!

Do charities do too much in the health sector?

How much is too much? Do we measure their contribution well enough? I like answers based on data.

Would your 16-year-old self be proud of where you are?

My 16 year-old self was training to be a professional musician so I’m not sure – I think I would have given her a few surprises!

Is Facebook your friend or your enemy?

It’s where my friends hang out and I love its randomness – it’s also a vital part of our business.

What’s the best book every written?

I’m a big poetry fan – Douglas Dunn’s ‘Elegies’ still touch my heart even after decades of reading.

What does your perfect weekend look like?

Gardening from dawn to dusk, nice casserole in the slow cooker to share over a long chat and some chilled music ‘til the wee hours.

If you were your boss would you like you?

I’d respect my commitment to the cause.

Is the third sector a calling or an accident?

Definitely a calling – I chose this after 30 years in the public sector

What advice would you give your successor?

Keep the people we serve in your sights in everything you do. Ask what difference it will make for them.

Is this a rung on the ladder to success or your final destination?

I’m focussed on the present – it’s all we have.

What’s your favourite cause apart from your own?

There’s so many amazing causes out there I’d support so many of them. Those that support people who are distressed and frightened in any context, if I really had to narrow it down.

Which Brian Cox?

The prof – to infinity and beyond!

Mary Allison is director of Breast Cancer Now Scotland