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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Chief Encounters: Stephanie Fraser

This feature is about 10 years old

Her 16-year-old self would not have been impressed, but Stephanie Fraser is consoled by making a difference to people with cerebral palsy in Scotland

Do you live alone or is getting out of the house like navigating Sauchiehall Street on a Saturday?

I have four school-aged children, so getting them all up and out of the house, with the right kit, lunch, files etc is a daily challenge.

What’s the first thing you do when you arrive at work?

Normally it’s speaking to our cleaner who is in very early in the mornings and she catches me to report any problems. If I get past her, then I’ll put my computer on and make a list of priorities.

What makes a perfect day?

Happy children, a large latte, a busy centre and lots of cheques arriving in the post. A shared lunch with the staff is a great Bobath treat and we all love our baking too.

Stephanie Fraser

I wanted to be Darcey Bussell – or at least a modern day Ninette de Valois

Stephanie Fraser

What turns you into the office Victor Meldrew?

If the staff coffee machine is put on too early and all the coffee is taken by the therapists, then I can get very grumpy (but they know that and are very patient with me!)

What was the last thing you did that scared you?

Every time I pitch to someone for money I get scared because it is so important for Bobath and for people with cerebral palsy that we are successful. We need to raise over £500k every year – that’s 82% of our income – from private sources to keep our services going. We cannot afford to fail.

What’s your favourite album / film?

Best album of all time has to be Dire Straits – Brothers in Arms, but I think that’s showing my age.

Is lunch a five minute sandwich at your desk or do you find time for yourself?

It’s normally a sandwich at the desk but sometimes it’s a chance to meet up with people and get away from my desk and clear my head.

Do you have too many meetings?

Probably. I can’t stand meetings for meetings’ sake, let’s have an agenda and stick to it. However, I’d rather chat to someone face to face every time. You can tell so much from meeting people, pick up nuances etc that just doesn’t work on email.

Would your 16-year-old self be impressed with where you are now?

Probably not as when I was that age I wanted to be Darcey Bussell – or at least a modern day Ninette de Valois.

Should there be a cap on charity chief executive pay?

No, some charities are huge, multi-national businesses and as such they need quality chief executives to deliver. However, I think trustees should be fully accountable for the pay of their staff and chief executives should be paid in line with the size of the charity they are leading and the results they are achieving.

Which do you prefer Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter?
Facebook for keeping in touch with friends, Twitter for keeping in touch with what’s going on and I’m on Linkedin because I keep being told it’s good for business – is it?!

Why do you work in the third sector?
Because I really believe that our team can make a difference for people in Scotland living with cerebral palsy and every day my life has a very clear purpose.

Is this a step on the rung to success or your final destination?

Who knows what life will bring?

Brian Denis Cox or Brian Edward Cox?

Neither does it for me I’m afraid.



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Ann I. McIntyre
over 4 years ago

I salute Stephanie for her quiet, efficient, highly successful leadership of Cerebral Palsy Scotland - an organisation which is truly a life-line aid for families with a member challenged by cerebral palsy. Thank you Stephanie.

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Ann I McIntyre
over 4 years ago

It is my great pleasure to salute Stephanie Fraser for her active and very caring leadership of Cerebral Palsy Scotland - an organisation which is truly a wonderful lifeline for families with a member who is challenged by cerebral palsy. .

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