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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Goodmovers 12/03/18 - who has a new job?

This feature is about 7 years old

​Who's on the move in the third sector?

Mat Roberts

Goodmovers 12/03/18 - who has a new job?

The trustees of the Shetland Amenity Trust have announced the appointment of Mat Roberts as the trust’s chief executive. Mat has worked for many years across a range of sectors including commercial, public and charitable. Most recently he worked for Interserve PLC as its group director of sustainability strategy. He brings many decades of experience of the charitable sector to his new role and is currently a trustee of The Prince’s Countryside Fund, the National Association of Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Cynnal Cymru (Sustain Wales).

David Wood

Goodmovers 12/03/18 - who has a new job?

A major Scottish children's healthcare charity has a new boss.The Archie Foundation has appointed David Wood as its chief executive, following the departure of David Cunningham late last year. Wood (56) has worked in the charity sector since 2009, most recently as chief executive of Community Resources Network Scotland, a membership charity that supports community organisations across Scotland to reuse, repair and recycle. Other third sector roles include The Burn Estate in Edzell, the Council for Voluntary Services Aberdeenshire and Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action. Wood has also been chair of trustees for Homestart Kincardine. The Archie Foundation is the official charity of Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital, the Highland Children's Unit in Inverness and Tayside Children's Hospital in Dundee.

Kate Collins

Goodmovers 12/03/18 - who has a new job?

Teenage Cancer Trust has appointed Kate Collins as chief executive. She replaces Siobhan Dunn, who recently stepped down from the role after nearly six years at the helm. Kate has been at the charity for almost a decade after joining in 2009 as head of regional fundraising, and becoming director of fundraising and marketing in 2013.