A revolt movement is crystalising against Donald Trump – here's how you can join the resistance
The phoney war is well and truly over – and we now know what a Donald Trump presidency will look like.
And it’s worse than many of us thought it would be.
There’s banning government employees from publishing information on climate change; there’s the ban on federal funds to groups that perform abortions or lobby to legalise abortion; there’s the resumption of the much-protested Dakota oil pipeline; there’s his commitment to building the infamous wall with Mexico; there’s the planned attack on even the shreds of public health care; there’s his appointment of white supremacist Steve Bannon to a key national security role.
But so far, nothing has spoken for the brutality of the new Trump regime more than his order halting the entire US refugee programme and banning anyone from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the US.
Many on this side of the Atlantic have been looking on horrified. But increasingly a mood is growing that progressives here must do what they can to show solidarity with those in the States coming under Trump’s cosh.
Here we present give ways you can take action. There must be many more – so please share and add your own ideas below.

Demos against Trump were held across Scotland on Monday, 30 January with thousands of people tuning out in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen and St Andrews protesting against his Muslim ban but more are being planned. The next major one is due to take place in Edinburgh on 11 February with campaigners asked to gather outside the Scottish Tory Party HQ on Northumberland Street at 12:30pm to then then march to the city’s US Embassy.

It’s the lowest form of struggle, but petition can keep an issue in the public eye. As this is being written, the BBC is leading with the story that more than one million people have signed a petition demanding that Trump’s planned state visit to the UK is cancelled.

Sign the letter!
As this was being written, 3.5 million people throughout the globe have signed an Avaaz letter to Trump protesting at his actions. It’s short and to the point. It states: Dear Mr. Trump, This is not what greatness looks like. The world rejects your fear, hate-mongering, and bigotry. We reject your support for torture, your calls for murdering civilians, and your general encouragement of violence. We reject your denigration of women, Muslims, Mexicans, and millions of others who don’t look like you, talk like you, or pray to the same god as you. Facing your fear we choose compassion. Hearing your despair we choose hope. Seeing your ignorance we choose understanding. As citizens of the world, we stand united against your brand of division. Sign the letter here.

There have been calls to show solidarity with Muslims and refugees caught in the ban by refusing to take part in all but essential travel to the US while Trump is in power. Closer to home, Trump has some well-known interests in Scotland. Vote with your feet and your wallets.

There are a myriad of organisations resisting Trump in the US. Far too many to mention here – but please feel free to link through in the comments. We’ll start with the American Civil Liberties Union, Black Lives Matter and the Southern Law Poverty Center.