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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

News in brief: 4 October 2019

This list is over 5 years old
Crafting together

Crafting together

Clydebank school friends are crafting careers with their latest collection of jewellery inspired by a historic Scottish textile collection.

Nine former pupils of Kilpatrick School have been inspired by the bold colours of the Turkey Red textile designs which were dyed and printed in West Dunbartonshire as far back as the 1700s. But this group of young adults with additional support needs are bringing the designs up to date in a range of fashion jewellery, which they make out of recycled and ethically sourced beads and materials.

The makers unveiled their Peacock and Minimalist Collections at a special launch in Clydebank Town Hall on Thursday 3 October 2019. As well as showcasing the latest necklaces, bracelets and earrings, the event highlighted the story of the social enterprise with the screening of the film Crafting A New Turkey Red.

More information and items for sale can be found on the social enterprise’s website.

Getting tough for charity

Getting tough for charity

Intrepid competitors from Scottish building services specialist MPACT Group have raised much-needed cash for two charities after pushing themselves to the limit at one of the country’s most challenging extreme course races.

Thirteen staff employed by the Loanhead-based electrical contractor took on dozens of obstacles that aptly included “Electroshock Therapy” at this year’s Scottish edition of the Tough Mudder challenge. All together, they raised a total of £4,050 for Lupus UK and Hopscotch, which provides respite breaks for vulnerable children.

New premises for café

New premises for café

The Playpen Café, a community interest company, has been awarded £5,000 by the Coalfields Regeneration Trust (CRT) to help support parents, carers and children in Kincardine.

Playpen supports parental mental health and wellbeing in an open and welcoming environment, that allows children to socialise with their peers from a young age.

Last year, Playpen ran a pilot of pop-ups in temporary venues offering family events, parental support classes, after school clubs, evening programmes and play facilities for young children.

The success of the pilot has led to the planned development of the programme in permanent premises in Kincardine which will house games areas, a sensory room and a variety of toys to encourage children’s development.

Premises have been identified for Playpen to buy in Kincardine which require refurbishment, including the development of a commercial kitchen for the café. The CRT grant will pay towards the set-up and running of the café.

Netball team backs campaign

Netball team backs campaign

The Strathclyde Sirens netball team has joined calls encouraging parents to sign the NSPCC’s Sports Parents Promise to keep their children safe in sport.

More than 30% of parents with children active in sport would not know who to turn to if they had safeguarding concerns, a survey conducted by the NSPCC and polling company YouGov has revealed.

The charity is encouraging parents to become more informed about their children’s sports during Parents in Sport Week 2019 - an event which celebrates positive parental involvement in youth sport.

The NSPCC is urging parents to sign the Sports Parents Promise to help them choose a safe club for their children and ensure they have a positive influence when participating from the sidelines. More information is available online.