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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

10 most polluted Scottish streets

This list is about 10 years old

​Many of Scotland's busiest streets are breaking EU laws on air pollution

Friends of the Earth has analysed UK government data to create a list of Scotland’s most polluted streets.

The environmental campaigner found the busiest streets had levels of nitrogen dioxide above the legal safe limit of 40 microgrammes per cubic metre.

It is calling on the Scottish Government to halt new unnecessary road developments, invest more in walking and cycling, and improve public transport instead of waiting for improvements in vehicle technology to solve the problem.

1. Hope Street, Glasgow (66 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

1. Hope Street, Glasgow (66 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

​Image: Google Street View

2. Seagate, Dundee (59 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

2. Seagate, Dundee (59 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

​Image: Google Street View

3. St John's Road, Edinburgh (57 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

3. St John's Road, Edinburgh (57 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

​Image: Google Street View

4. Byres Road, Glasgow (54 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

4. Byres Road, Glasgow (54 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

​Image: Google Street View

5. High Street, Linlithgow (48 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

5. High Street, Linlithgow (48 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

​Image: Google Street View

6. Lochee Road, Edinburgh (46 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

6. Lochee Road, Edinburgh (46 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

​Image: Google Street View

7. Queensferry Road, Edinburgh (46 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

7. Queensferry Road, Edinburgh (46 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

​Image: Google Street View

8. Union Street, Aberdeen (46 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

8. Union Street, Aberdeen (46 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

​Image: Google Street View

9. Atholl Streel, Perth (45 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

9. Atholl Streel, Perth (45 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

​Image: Google Street View

10. Meadowside, Dundee (45 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

10. Meadowside, Dundee (45 microgrammes nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre)

​Image: Google Street View



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David Bain
about 10 years ago
Looks bad for Edinburgh, but actually Lochee Road is in Dundee - not Auld Reekie!
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