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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

£250k to continue WEvolution’s evolution

This news post is about 8 years old

​WEvolution helps communities create businesses

A charity which helps people from poor communities set up their own business has been backed by a £225,000 grant from the Scottish Government.

Glasgow-based WEvolution has pioneered the creation of self reliant groups in Scotland, already helping 250 people through a business model imported from in India.

The charity brings together small groups of people who all contribute a small amount of money each week to get a business idea off the ground.

Once a business is underway the group can apply for a small loan to help their enterprise grow.

Some of the self reliant groups started out using use skills they already had, while others have learned new skills.

So far the groups have created enterprises that involve sewing, photography, woodworking and laundry.

Now plans are underway to train people in bike repair, plastering and electrical wiring.

And a new line of WEvolution products may be on display in high streets before the end of the year.

Scottish Local Government Minister Kevin Stewart said: “We want to see a Scotland in which everyone can play a full part in society, with empowered communities able to shape their individual and collective futures.

“I’m delighted to be able to confirm this funding for WEVolution – a fantastic organisation which helps support some of Scotland’s communities with the greatest potential to change to follow their dreams and grow their own businesses.

“It is a great example of our policies in action – which are giving people more control over decisions that affect them, making it easier for local people to develop their own economies, wellbeing and environments.”

Noel Mathias, WEvolution’s managing director, said the new funds will allow it to work with an additional 150 people.

He “I am grateful to the Scottish Government which has stood by us as we work alongside people trusting they will benefit the community and the country in the long run.

“This funding will help us grow the movement and take it to a lot more people in the regions where we work: Glasgow, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire and Dundee.

“We now have a WEvolution product line — a tote bag, makeup bag and keychain— and we are talking to potential retail partners who are interested in stocking WEvolution products.

“So we hope that our products will be on display in high streets across the country before the end of the year.

The announcement came at a WEvolution gathering in Glasgow which attracted attendees from England, the Netherlands, Wales and the USA, as well as from across Scotland. Interest in WEvolution has been so strong that the charity is already working with groups in Manchester, Pontypridd and Rotterdam.

Mr Mathias added: “WEvolution started from a Church of Scotland group who visited India, seeking new ideas to help our most disadvantaged communities. Thanks to the support of the Church, we have gone from strength to strength and are now an independent charity.

“We now share our resources, experience and insights with our partners and we mentor them. So many people have contacted us and want to know how they can bring self reliant groups to their communities and we want to make it easier for them to buy in.”

“WEvolution now has plans to scale up significantly across the the UK. We have just learned that we will be getting support from the International Centre for Social Fundraising, which will allow us to build our Self Reliant Group model into a social franchise that people can use across the UK.”