The new year brings new fears for thousands of rent and mortgage payers in Scotland
One in four people in Scotland are worried about paying their rent or mortgage in 2016, new research reveals.
A study carried out online by YouGov on behalf of Shelter Scotland found that more than 700,000 adults were worried about not being able to pay for their rent or mortgage at some point during this year.
People aged 25 to 34 were mostly conncered, with 36% stating they were worried about paying rent or mortgage in the year ahead.
Recently Shelter Scotland revealed the number of calls handled by its free national helpline rose again last year and that every 18 minutes a household in Scotland is assessed as homeless, that's 81 households a day.
According to the charity, the number of calls made to its helpline rose to 21,284 in the last year (30 October 2014 – 1 November 2015), up from 19,906 the previous year – a 7% rise.
Shelter Scotland is warning that ignoring money worries rather than seeking advice could lead to people’s homes being put at risk.
Every day we hear from people who are living on a knife edge - Adam Lang
The charity says that advisors at its free national helpline are on-hand to help anyone who is worried about paying for their housing costs, is at risk of homelessness or struggling with bad housing.
Adam Lang, head of communications and policy at Shelter Scotland, said: “It’s a worrying sign of the times that so many people are starting the new year worried about how they’ll pay for their rent or mortgage in 2016.
“Every day we hear from people who are living on a knife edge, feeling overwhelmed by mounting rent or mortgage bills, as the increasing pressure of sky-high housing costs continues to take its toll.
“We understand it is all too easy to bury your head in the sand hoping the problem will go away. But if you’re in this situation, it’s so important to remember you’re not alone and that help is at hand.
"Advice from Shelter Scotland is only a click or a phone call away – so get advice early to prevent things from spiralling out of control.”
Separate research for Shelter Scotland paints a bleak picture for many households across Scotland, revealing that 31% of people in Scotland have already cut back on winter essentials (fuel and winter clothing) to afford their winter rent or mortgage payments.