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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

7,000th job for third sector celebrated

This news post is almost 9 years old

Third sector boosted by success of Community Jobs Scotland

A pioneering project to get young people into work is celebrating its 7,000 successful employee.

Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) was launched by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) in August 2011 in partnership with the Scottish Government and provides a paid job lasting up to one year for young people in the third sector, with the jobs created as diverse as the young people who apply for them.

CJS will be focusing on vulnerable young people aged 16-29 this year, especially young people who are care experienced, carers, people with conviction, people with disabilities and long term health conditions and military early service leavers.

Donna Mackinnon, SCVO’s director of employment services, said: “Over the previous five years of Community Jobs Scotland we have identified that many young people require additional support and SCVO has been working to bring together appropriate partner organisations to help ensure that young people have that available support on hand and a wraparound support is available if required.

“We are working closely with Scottish Prison Service, Reducing Reoffending PSPs, Violence Reduction Unit, DWP, Skills Development Scotland, Local Authorities, Who Cares Scotland? Poppy Scotland and other specialist agencies to make this possible.”

I would strongly urge all third sector employers to consider participating in the Community Jobs Scotland scheme

Alan from Gordon Rural Action, who has employed several people through Community Jobs Scotland, said: “I would strongly urge all third sector employers to consider participating in the Community Jobs Scotland scheme.

“Working with and developing young people is rewarding and is key to the future of our economy. It is vital that young people receive good quality work experience that gives them the first step to what we hope will be long-term employment.”

All CJS employers are asked to complete an online registration process and as part of the SCVO assessment they’re asked to demonstrate that each individual job has community benefit and is additional.

To register interest for Phase 6 of Community Jobs Scotland online Employer Registration. Deadline is Monday, 6 June.

A Community Jobs Scotland Helpline is available on Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm on 0141 559 5026.