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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Adults should have the right to be adopted

This news post is almost 7 years old

An event will be held at Holyrood highlighting a campaign calling for adults to be allowed to be legally adopted

A campaigner has vowed to continue to fight for the right to be adopted as an adult.

Nathan Sparling has undertaken a campaign to reform family law in Scotland to allow adults to be legally adopted.

He has been pressing MSPs to overhaul the legal system to bring Scotland in line with other countries such as the US, Canada, Spain and Germany, so that he could be adopted by his stepfather Brian.

And now the campaign for adult adoption is heading to the Scottish Parliament as it was announced that Kezia Dugdale MSP will host an event, entitled The Case for Adult Adoption.

Taking place on Tuesday 19 June at 6pm, the meeting will allow MSPs and policy-makers to hear from campaigners and experts on adoption and family law.

Sparling said: "I'm delighted to be bringing the case for adult adoption to the Scottish Parliament.

“There's already been cross-party support, with a number of MSPs writing to the government to ask them to act on this issue. Scotland lags behind in adoption law, failing to recognise the desire for belonging and family connection beyond childhood."

Sparling has highlighted his case to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. In a letter asking her to attend the event, he details his belief that those who have been adopted should be allowed to make decisions after they reach adulthood.

He said: “Unfortunately, many young people don't realise this to be the case, and the burden of making a decision on adoption in what can be very difficult circumstance, before the age of 18, is quite high.

“When I get married, I'll have to register Brian - who I consider to be my father - as my step-parent. Scotland falls short of international standards in this area."