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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Alcohol advertising regulation ‘lacks scrutiny’

This news post is over 6 years old

Alcohol Concern and Alcohol Research UK have said now is the time for changes to be made to advertising regulation

Alcohol charities have called for a review of how alcohol marketing is regulated – amid claims the current system is inconsistent and lacks scrutiny.

Alcohol Concern and Alcohol Research UK said its investigation of 12 years of regulatory decisions by the industry-funded Portman Group found inconsistent decisions, meaning that it could not be relied upon for guidance.

The two charities merged last year in order to create stronger evidence to call for a reduction in harm caused by alcohol.

The report states decisions made by the regulator often appear to be based on opinion rather than real-world evidence about how people drink.

It also claims the Portman Group lacks accountability. When decisions are made and enforced, there are little or no means to amend or reverse them, nor any other body to appeal to.

Chief executive of the charities, Richard Piper, said: “With roughly one person in the UK dying as a result of alcohol every hour, alcohol is no ordinary commodity, and we as a society have the right to set boundaries on the ways in which it is promoted.

“The current regulatory set-up doesn’t work. The UK Government could change that by initiating an independent review.

“The aim must be to make alcohol regulation fit for purpose, and ensure that regulators have a clearly defined remit and standards of evidence-based decision-making.”

The report suggests that a thorough overhaul of alcohol marketing regulation should form part of the UK Government’s new national alcohol strategy, which was announced in early May.

Portman Group chief executive John Timothy said: “Our codes of practice set high standards for alcohol producers. The codes provide a framework for the independent complaints panel to consider complaints and are regularly reviewed through open and public consultation.

“Our rules apply equally to all alcoholic products and producers and we offer a free and confidential advisory service to prevent irresponsible marketing appearing in the first place.

“The reality of regulation on a statutory footing would be a slower and less efficient system than the current self-regulatory approach and an additional burden on the UK taxpayer.”