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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

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Annie Lennox to headline TEDx Glasgow

This news post is over 5 years old

The Eurythmics singer will speak about global feminism, with a host of other inspirational speakers on the bill

Singing sensation Annie Lennox is set to talk in detail about global feminism.

TEDxGlasgow this week confirmed the full line up for the renowned talk series, which returns to Glasgow for its seventh year on June 14. The event will welcome 2,000 attendees to the SEC Armadillo and will provide a platform to present ideas focused on the theme of Connection.

Internationally acclaimed singer, songwriter and human rights activist Annie Lennox OBE will take to the stage to discuss global feminism and will be joined by a host of inspirational speakers including Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, who will focus human rights and social justice, and Skyscanner’s former chief operating officer Mark Logan who will be discussing women in technology.

Annie Lennox
Annie Lennox

Also on the bill are comedy writer Amna Saleem, who will present a TEDx talk on identity and humour, and best-selling author Richard Shotton will discuss the topic of trust in relation to behavioural science and advertising.

Hosted by BBC presenter, journalist and current affairs specialist Clare English and comedian Fred MacAulay, the Glasgow event will also welcome some of the UK’s big thinkers and achievers including: Jude Ower, founder of Playmob; Anand Menon, professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at King’s College London; David Allfrey, producer and chief executive of The Royal Military Tattoo, and Amar Latif, award-winning entrepreneur, telling his personal story on losing 95% of his sight by the age of 20.

The talks will relate to the theme Connection, which aims to ask guests and watchers worldwide (via the livestream) to consider how connections have shaped the world that we live in and how advances in technology mean that we are more connected than ever but also increasingly socially isolated. The event’s theme was announced earlier this year in a video showcasing Glasgow’s iconic landmarks through the eyes of viral parkour athlete Robbie Griffith.

Gurjit Singh Lalli, founder and curator at TEDxGlasgow, said: “We’re so excited to announce the full line up for TEDxGlasgow 2019 and can’t wait to bring thousands of people together to spark debate and inspire. We have a fantastic line up of speakers this year and we’re looking forward to hearing their individual approaches on this theme and seeing the tangible impact their words have on our attendees.”

TEDxGlasgow is a non-profit organisation, which builds on the global TED culture of creativity, innovation and collaboration. Aiming to provide a platform to present the brightest and best ideas from Scotland to an international audience, the organisation independently coordinates an annual event that brings together influential and inspirational individuals from all walks of life.

For more information on TEDxGlasgow Connection and to buy tickets, visit the event’s website.