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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Artworks to show Scots care about the planet

This news post is over 3 years old

Nine new mural artworks have been created to depict the messages of the people of Scotland gathered so far

A set of nine artworks have been created which depict why the people of Scotland care about the climate and nature emergency.

This is part of a climate change campaign that has gathered support from people around Scotland to send a message to leaders attending Cop26 in Glasgow.

Climate Scotland has collected over 7,000 voices from across the nation, to show that the people of Scotland want meaningful action to protect the things they love, and create a better future for people everywhere. 

Nine new mural artworks have been created to depict the messages of the people of Scotland gathered so far, and are on display at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens during Cop26. 

The UN climate summit is a major opportunity to re-energise efforts to tackle the climate emergency. 

Through this campaign, everyone in Scotland has the opportunity to show how much they care about the climate and nature emergencies. The messages gathered online have been shared in the Cop26 Green Zone and at the Scottish Government space at The Lighthouse, Glasgow.

Individuals visiting the Climate Scotland website are able to add their voice to the campaign by selecting a theme that is most relevant to them or by writing their own reason.

Ida Henrich, a freelance illustrator and mural artist based in Glasgow, said: “I am thrilled to have helped create these artworks for Climate Scotland. I believe that murals start conversations, and chats about topics we care about, often reveal that other people also care. I'm proud of the artworks we have created and can't wait to share them with the public.” 

 Over 40 non-profit organisations, including WWF Scotland, RSPB Scotland, Christian Aid Scotland and the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), have come together to create the Climate Scotland campaign.

Anna Fowlie, chief executive at SCVO, said: “Thousands of Scots have spoken out about why climate change matters to them. They recognise that strong action is essential for Scotland’s nature, our health and wellbeing, and for future generations. SCVO is proud to be part of Climate Scotland, showcasing these messages in Glasgow during Cop26 and demanding climate justice now.”

Aedán Smith, head of policy and advocacy at RSPB Scotland, added: "one in nine species in Scotland is at risk of extinction. We must address this by protecting and restoring nature, increasing access to nature for everyone and making decisions that support nature, our climate and people. The Climate Scotland campaign is a way for people in Scotland to show how much they care about these things.” 

To add your voice to the campaign, visit