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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Auction to boost hospice funds

This news post is over 3 years old

Artists join to help well-loved cause

A collective of over 30 artists are set to auction original works as well as bespoke commissions, in an online auction to help raise vital funds for Children’s Hospices Across Scotland – better known as CHAS – this month.

Following the blow to art galleries and exhibitions with closures over the last year, CHAS has once again joined forces with some of Scotland’s finest artists to present an online art sale that will be mutually beneficial for the artists and the charity. 

For many of the 150+ pieces on offer, 50% of the proceeds will be donated to CHAS while the artist will receive the remaining 50%. Some artists have also very generously donated 100% of the proceeds.  Bidding begins at midday this Friday, 18 June and will continue until Friday 18 July.

Some of the work up for sale in the CHAS auction include contemporary pop-art painter Stuart McAlpine Miller, striking portraits of Billy Connolly and Elvis Presley by Clydebank’s Led Donaghy, Sky Arts’ Portrait Artist of the Year contender Aine Devine and Edinburgh based landscape painter Vibha. Paintings created by some of the children served by CHAS’ hospices are also up for sale.

The 2021 CHAS art sale will go live on Friday 18 June for a month, until Friday 16 July. 

Diane Alton of CHAS, said: “We are very grateful to all of these fantastic artists for their involvement in our auction and for submitting such truly stunning pieces of art. It is particularly poignant that we can offer this auction online. Art therapy plays a big part in the hospices and our activities team spend lots of time with children and families to create lasting memories. 

“Not only will buyers be investing in a beautiful piece of art, they will have the added feel-good factor that their purchase has made a difference to the lives of CHAS families across Scotland.  It’s a win-win.”

The charity, which runs Robin House in Balloch, Rachel House in Kinross as well as virtual hospice and CHAS at Home services, is committed to making sure every moment families spend together is filled with as much happiness and fun as possible.

The artworks included in the auction range in price from £20 to £4,000.

Further details can be found at