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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Paradise lost as Milton project faces the axe

This news post is about 10 years old

Charity working in deprived area could close its doors unless new funders are found

Funding cuts could mean the end of an innovative charity operating in one of Glasgow’s most deprived estates.

LoveMilton is set to close next month after several cash streams ran dry.

It now urgently needs support or it will be forced to shut up shop – delivering a huge blow to the area.

Ambitious plans for a new, charity-built community centre may not now be realised.

The group, based in Milton in the north of Glasgow, organises and runs fun and interactive training opportunities through construction based courses lasting from four days to 12-weeks, helping participants gain new skills and qualifications.

Without funding LoveMilton's plans to build a community centre by will never be realised

It is multi-award winning and provides free training courses to people who want to develop skills and help improve employment prospects.

The Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) has provided funds for LoveMilton in the past to help its project to complete a self-build community centre using reclaimed materials.

However, due to land disputes, work on the project has not started. The derelict land is currently owned by City Property Glasgow, which wants £300,000 before it is transferred to LoveMilton.

Funding from CCF was granted over 18 months but funds have been stretched to over two years.

LoveMilton has been working in the area since 2008 trying to alleviate and combat some of the causes and symptoms of deprivation.

A spokesperson said: “Without funding LoveMilton will not be able to continue offering training courses and plans to build a community centre by local residents will never be realised.

“Unlike other areas in Glasgow, Milton does not have a community centre where people can go to learn new skills or socialise.

“Plans to utilise skills participants from training courses have gained to build the community centre to provide an area for local residents will not be taken forward and new training projects will no longer go ahead in Milton if LoveMilton do close due to funding cuts.”

Love Milton has now launched a petitioncalling for Glasgow City Council to support the transfer of the land to the community.



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Liz Gardiner
about 10 years ago
Community Empowerment Bill Land Rights Community Buy Out powersWe seem to have a lot of bills and policies (presumably costing vast amounts of money). Is it possible to have all these bills and policies but no actual progress on the ground. Is it possible that we are going backwards now that all our precious resources are owned by ALEO's with lobotomised thinking and nothing but ker-ching in their frame of reference ?Please let us know what we can do to support
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Peter Wilson
about 10 years ago
Argyll & Bute all over again. What is it with useless councils that they'd rather sit on empty property or barren land than let community organisations put them to good purpose? LoveMilton does an amazing job and should be lauded for its work and supported by elected politicians but instead has to battle with authority all the time - possibly because its great endeavours show up the paucity of imagination and real community intention of these people. Milton deserves better - much better - from the City of Glasgow Council than this.
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Lorne Gillies
about 10 years ago
If you would like to help LoveMilton we will be going to Glasgow City Chambers on 24 March, 1:30pm to discuss why this charity needs to continue brining it's unique training opportunities for the local community. We are a great asset in Milton and have outstanding success rates from our courses with dreams we will be able to start working on our self-build community centre.Signatures to the petition (linked in article), attendance to the City Chambers meeting and coming along to our upcoming AGM will be a great support from those who want to see LoveMilton succeed.
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