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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Beith charity triumphs at Scottish Charity Awards

This news post is almost 10 years old

Beith Community Development Trust has won the Celebrating Communities category at the 2015 Scottish Charity Awards

Beith Community Development Trust from North Ayrshire has won the Celebrating Communities award at the 2015 Scottish Charity Awards.

The charity triumphed after impressing the judges with its efforts to improve the mental and physical fitness of its local community.

Established in 2010, by parents, young people and children involved in football living in the town, the trust negotiated to take over the running of their local astroturf football pitch from North Ayrshire Council in 2012.

Since then it has gone on to turn it into a community hub reaching a far wider audience than those just interested in sport through ideas such as a soup club, community garden, credit union and even a salon.

The trust now employs six full time staff 10 part time and has a membership in excess of 500 individuals. This year it was named the best in social enterprise in Scotland by the Royal Bank of Scotland’s Social Enterprise 100 list.

We are accepting the award on behalf of the local people in Beith who have worked so hard to make things happen

A delighted Alex Macfie, development manager at Beith Community Development Trust, said: “We are accepting the award on behalf of the local people in Beith who have worked so hard to make things happen.

“It is great to be acknowledged and recognised for all of the work that takes place.

“It wouldn’t be possible without our hardworking staff and volunteers and the on-going support of the local community.”

The Scottish Charity Awards, in their ninth year, were held in Edinburgh’s Assembly Rooms on Thursday night.

Organised by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), the awards bring together several charities and volunteers from across the country to recognise their contribution to life in Scotland.

Other winners on the night included MND Scotland, Prostate Cancer UK and the Scottish Huntington’s Association, with Matthew McVarish crowned Charity Champion.

Shulah Allan, convener of SCVO, said: “This year’s finalists and winners work tirelessly to support vulnerable people in our communities and to raise awareness of important causes. They really have earned this acclaim.”