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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Blue Badge vigilantes to name and shame “selfish” drivers

This news post is almost 7 years old

Activists take matters into their own hands because councils are failing to act

Vigilantes have sprung up across the west of Scotland vowing to bring Blue Badge parking abusers to account.

The group, many of whom are Blue Badge holders themselves, has been posting on social media instances of what it calls “social justice” where misusers of disabled badges and parking spaces are named and shamed.

Miscreants are outed via Twitter, using the hashtag #BlueBadgeAbuse, and Facebook with their registration photographed alongside the time, date and location.

Campaigners say they have activists volunteering to police areas that are regularly abused.

The Blue Badge scheme allows eligible disabled people – travelling either as drivers or passengers – to park in certain restricted areas in Scotland.

However campaigners say Blue Badges and disabled spaces are being abused more than ever resulting in disabled people forced to park “impossible distances” from shopping locations, amenities and even health centres and hospitals.

Bill and Janice Tweed, activists from the group, told TFN they have been forced to take the action because local authorities aren’t.

They are encouraging more people to become vigilant and to name and shame.

“Disabled people are having access stolen through selfish and greedy individuals,” they said. “It means they have to park impossible distances away from where they should be able to park.

“By publishing the offenders’ details we hope they’ll think twice about it in future. But we’ve no sympathy for them. Unfortunately local councils aren’t taking action so we are doing it instead.

“We’ve been called vigilantes but we don’t care. If you abuse disabled parking then you are fair game.”

Figures released by Glasgow City Council show more than 100 cars have been uplifted in city council car parks due to suspected abuse of disabled badges.

Councillors have been using new laws to crack down on the fraudulent users with 120 cars removed.

Anna Richardson, city convener for sustainability and carbon reduction, said: “A blue badge can be a lifeline for someone with a disability – giving them inclusive access to where they need and want to go in the city.

“Abuse of that system has a number of consequences – but one of the most significant is the impact it has on quality of life for legitimate badge-holders.

“This has been a long-running issue, across the country – but improvements to legislation mean we can now deal with cases of misuse far more effectively.”



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Peter Gunn
almost 7 years ago
I would like to help out with this abuse of parking, especially in Glasgow. The security of numbers would help as I have been subject to awful abuse and physical threats very often when challenging parking abusers. I live on the southside.
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