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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Breadline Voices will chronicle cost of living impact on ordinary people

This news post is almost 3 years old

It features powerful case studies highlighting the grim reality facing millions

The Food Foundation is launching an online portal to share the experiences of people struggling to survive the cost of living crisis.

Breadline Voices features powerful case studies highlighting the grim reality facing millions of families plunged into food and fuel poverty as food prices reach a 40-year high.

It aims to give politicians, policymakers, businesses and the media access to case studies and people with lived experience of the current cost of living crisis.  

The series will be spearheaded by campaigners Kathleen Kerridge, Dominic Watters and Dan White from Disability Rights UK. 

The Food Foundation will also be inviting members of the public to write in to share their experiences of food insecurity over the coming months as millions are facing soaring costs of food and fuel bills. The series will help create a real life picture of what is happening across the UK and provide vital insight into how families are coping.

Content can be submitted via

The launch coincides with The Food Foundation’s creation of a shopping basket tracker to measure weekly price changes in what the average person may typically eat as part of an adequately nutritious diet. It is available here.

The cost of living crisis has made it increasingly difficult for people to be able to afford sufficient food. The latest data from The Food Foundation shows 7.3 million adults (13.8% of households) suffered food insecurity in April, a 57% increase since January. Monitoring food price changes will therefore provide a ‘live’ snapshot of exactly how the cost of living crisis is affecting prices across the country.

Anna Taylor, from The Food Foundation, said “The cost of living crisis is having a devastating effect on low-income families and their ability to secure the food they need to protect their health. The data and what we’re hearing from the frontline both show the cost of a healthy diet is out of reach for large numbers of people, which is going to exacerbate the already shocking levels of obesity and vast inequalities.

“The UK government needs to realise people are facing a crisis that needs meaningful action, including ensuring benefit are set to a level which doesn’t prevent people from eating healthily. Similarly, businesses need to ensure they are paying all employees at least the Real Living Wage.”