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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Brexit not a priority for parents of disabled children

This news post is over 5 years old

Poll suggests two million votes could be up for grabs this election.

The votes of more than two million parents of disabled children could be up for grabs this election, a new poll has revealed.

Almost 1,000 parents were questioned for the poll, with 92% saying they would be likely to vote for a party that committed to improving their disabled child’s support.

The results show that Brexit has slipped to the third most important issue among parents of disabled children.

Half of respondents (50%) said support for their child was their primary issue, while the NHS (16%) came second. Education and Brexit (both 12%) came ahead of the economy (4%), the environment (3%) and crime (1%).

The poll, conducted by the National Deaf Children’s Society and four disability campaigning groups, also shows that nine in ten parents don’t feel their child currently gets enough support.

Disabled children may need additional help at school or at home, including specialist care, equipment or visits from trained staff. However, 43% of survey respondents said their child doesn’t get what they need, while almost half (47%) say their child only gets the right support “sometimes”.

The results also show that 71% are worried about the future of their child’s support, with just 8% having any confidence they will get what they need.

The National Deaf Children’s Society is now urging all parties to outline how they will improve support for the UK’s 1.1 million disabled children.

Steve Haines, the charity’s director of policy and campaigns, said: “These results show just how concerned parents of disabled children have become and where their priorities lie in this election.

“Brexit may be an important issue to politicians, but more than two million parents are out there anxiously waiting to see who’s going to improve their children’s lives and secure the support they desperately rely on.

“With the right support, disabled children go on to achieve incredible things at school, at university and in the world of work, but they’re currently facing a very uncertain future.

“It’s time for every political party to take on this challenge and commit to providing the support these children need and the world class education they deserve. Only then will we see who is prepared to give disabled children what they need, and who simply is not.”