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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

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Busking for Bowie campaign to benefit cancer charity

This news post is about 9 years old

David Bowie fans urged to belt out his hits for Cancer Research UK

Scottish musical duo Hue and Cry have got behind a viral campaign to raise money for Cancer Research – by covering David Bowie’s top hits.

The Coatbridge brothers, Pat and Greg Kane, have performed a rendition of Bowie’s 1975 track Win and encouraged fans to do the same.

The #buskingforbowie campaign asks musicians and music lovers to film themselves singing a David Bowie hit and to donate to the charity in his memory.

Supporters can donate to Cancer Research UK via or by texting BUSK67 £1 to 70070.

The charity appeal was dreamt up when creative director Angus Walker spotted musician Tony Bowen singing Bowie songs in the London underground.

The pair decided to join forces to encourage others to get #buskingforbowie and to make a donation to Cancer Research UK.

“When David Bowie died, I wanted to do something worthwhile as a tribute. So I decided I knew enough Bowie songs to only play Bowie tunes for the day and give the money to Cancer Research. It grew from there,” Bowen said

“In just one day I raised a few hundred pounds. But of course I’m only one guy, and I’d love more people to take up the challenge in honour of this musical legend.”

Walker, creative director of Glasgow-based marketing agency Frame, added: “We all know someone who has been affected by cancer and I can’t think of a more fitting way to help fight this illness. We’re encouraging everyone, whether in their bedrooms or on the streets to get involved and belt out a Bowie hit.

“We want to hear as many weird and wonderful versions of Bowie’s classics as possible so get involved.”

#buskingforbowie efforts have come in from around the world following Tony’s original post and a YouTube channel set up to host the video contributions.

Speaking after publishing their effort Pat Kane said: "We're delighted to help Cancer Research UK at any time and this is a great way to do it. We were as affected by Bowie's passing as anyone else.

“We've been listening to our favourite Bowie album, Young Americans, and this ballad Win is one we've been coming back to again and again. So we decided to busk it - well, in the comfort of our own studio.

“In terms of Cancer Research's aim of defeating the condition, the chorus of "all you've got to do is win" seemed particularly appropriate."