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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Buy local buy ethical pledge from social firms launches

This news post is 12 months old

Communities will benefit if more people and businesses buy local

A new business pledge urging the public to buy local aims to improve social and environmental impacts across Scotland.

Launched by Social Enterprise Scotland, the Buy Social Pledge brings together corporate businesses, SMEs, academic institutions, and public sector bodies who are looking to make a commitment to bring social enterprises into their supply chains.

Organisations who sign up to the pledge commit to fostering inclusive economic growth backed by businesses who are the catalysts for change in communities.

Supported by the Scottish Government and as well as Glasgow City Council; the Robertson Group; Keegan & Pennykid; Morrison Construction; City Building (Glasgow) LLP and Edinburgh Napier University, the pledge sees organisations commit to five key actions:

*Recognise Fair Work for All –champion fair work principles, prioritise Real Living Wages, narrow the Gender Pay Gap, foster Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and eradicate zero-hour contracts

*Environmental impact for a sustainable tomorrow – embrace a net zero policy

*Support social enterprises – onboard and promote social enterprises within their supply chains, helping to foster an ecosystem that nurtures and supports these invaluable organisations, amplifying their positive impact.

*Prompt payment, ethical business – organisations will commit to prompt payment, resulting in ethical business relationships.

*Measure positive impact – commit transparency and accountability by reporting annual spend with social enterprises.

Chris Martin, CEO at Social Enterprise Scotland said: “In launching the 'Buy Social Pledge,' we're not just transforming supply chains; we're actively weaving the fabric of social and environmental stewardship into the heart of business.  It's about more than transactions—it's a commitment to a future where every purchase powers positive change in our communities.”

June Pennykid, managing director at Keegan & Pennykid said: “At Keegan & Pennykid we treat our clients the way we’d expect to be treated, taking pride in protecting those who are trusted to protect others. Our mantra is ‘Where expertise meets ethics’. We firmly believe that in our business you can’t have one without the other and as a company we are committed to creating positive social and environmental impact through socially responsible purchasing. We are delighted to pledge to Buy Social and support the overarching aims of Social Enterprise Scotland”.

Councillor Ruairi Kelly, convener for neighbourhood services and assets at Glasgow City Council, said: “When organisations Buy Social, they are not only supporting local social enterprises – a key part of the city’s economy – but encouraging Fair Work practices and a range of actions that make a real social, economic and environmental difference.