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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Campaign calls for Scotland to take a stand against Brexit

This news post is almost 7 years old

Declaration: Scotland for Europe has been backed by representatives of 40 civil society groups and actor Brian Cox

A new campaign calling for Scotland to take a stand against Brexit has been launched.

A host of high profile names – such as actor Brian Cox and Lord Menzies Campbell of Pittenweem – have joined civil society groups in backing the Declaration: Scotland for Europe campaign.

The declaration aims to create a pro-European movement in Scotland, with members being encouraged to take action to halt the departure from the EU.

More than 40 civil society figures have backed the call, which stresses that nothing is inevitable in terms of Brexit in Scotland and that political differences should be put aside to maintain European Union membership.

In its start-up phase, the campaign is being coordinated on a voluntary basis by Vanessa Glynn, chair of European Movement in Scotland (EmiS); Colin Campbell, executive director of Assist Social Capital and Kirsty Hughes, director of the Scottish Centre on European Relations.

“Brexit is looking increasingly damaging and out of control,” said Glynn. “We can and must change our direction – in a democracy, we can always do that. Time is running out, and we call on all those who care about Scotland and Europe to sign our declaration and join our campaign.”

Campbell added: “This is an issue which is going to influence communities across the country for generations. It is therefore imperative that we don’t leave this in the hands of a few, but engage citizens from all walks of life and across the generations to participate in the decision making process of how we manage our relationship with Europe.”

Representatives from Senscot, the Scottish Centre on European Relations, St Andrews University and the Scottish Community Alliance are amongst those to have signed the declaration.

Andrew Burns, convener of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), said that desire from the third sector to stay in Europe is apparent.

“For almost two years, SCVO and our members have grappled with the manifold issues thrown up by the UK's decision to exit from the European Union,” he said.

"People in Scotland voted by a sizeable majority to stay in the EU, and all our evidence shows that strength of feeling in the third sector is even greater. We believe that nothing is inevitable about our departure from the EU and consider that now is the time to put the brakes on process which - however it is concluded - would have a negative impact on communities all across Scotland."



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Lok Yue
almost 7 years ago
I must have missed the SCVO vote that found the majority of the Scottish third Sector disagreed with Brexit. Could you please tell me where i can find the poll results? I take it there is one and SCVO convenor is surely not speaking on our behalf without a mandate
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