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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

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Cancer charities announce they are to merge

This news post is over 10 years old

Big two cancer charities to come together as one to tackle breast cancer more effectively

A merger is to create the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, it has been announced.

Breakthrough Breast Cancer and the Breast Cancer Campaign are to come together as one, with the new single entity, still to be named, launching in spring next year.

Both charities believe the merger will lead to more funds being invested in research as well as a more comprehensive programme of research overall into all areas of breast cancer prevention and treatment.

The merger will also create a single voice for those dedicated to ending breast cancer, helping ensure that the benefits of research reach patients quicker, the charities say.

Both chief executives – Breakthrough’s Chris Askew, and Breast Cancer's baroness Delyth Morgan - will jointly managing the preparations for launch.

The process of appointing a new chief executive will begin in the new year.

Current chairs, Isla Smith and Stephanie Monk CBE, will step down at the point of merger.

A joing statement from both chairs read: “We could not have achieved all that we have for women affected by breast cancer without our inspirational and dedicated supporters.

United, we will be a stronger, more effective force committed to putting an end to breast cancer

“As a result of their support – the research they’ve helped fund and the advances they’ve made possible – we’re now able to take this compelling next step forward in our journey to beat breast cancer.

"Together we will put an end to breast cancer, once and for all.”

The charities have been instrumental in developing new breast cancer treatments, targets and tools to prevent, detect and treat the disease.

Along with their supporters they have successfully campaigned for key improvements in patient care, such as the two week wait for all breast cancer referrals; access to new drugs such as Herceptin, chemoprevention drugs for those at high risk and continued government funding for research schemes such as the Charity Research Support Fund.

Chief executives Chris Askew and Baroness Delyth Morgan said: “United, we will be a stronger, more effective force committed to putting an end to breast cancer.

“Everyone affected by breast cancer deserves to see an end to this devastating disease and by combining our energies and expertise we’ll make greater progress in more efficient ways and achieve our shared ambition that by 2050, no one will die from the disease.”

A new senior management team has been appointed to lead the new charity, once it is launched. Jen Dougan has been appointed as director of fundraising, Fiona Hazell, director of communications and engagement, Elizabeth Robertson, director of research, Justin Parfitt, director of finance and IT, Catherine Devitt, director of people, organisation and development and James Jopling, director of Scotland.



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over 10 years ago
Sounds like "Better Together".
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