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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Changing the LGBTQ+ narrative

This news post is over 4 years old

The Arkbound Foundation is looking for members of the LGBTQ+ community to share their stories as part of a new project

A charity is looking for members of the LGBTQ+ community to share their stories.

The Arkbound Foundation is calling on everyone within the LGBTQ+ community to come forward and share their stories as part of the new innovative project.

LGBTQ+ voices and experiences often go unheard in mainstream media, and the foundation wants to change the narrative around what it is like being LGBTQ+ today giving it a more accurate representation.

If you are LGBTQ+ and living in the Scotland, then Arkbound wants to hear from you.

Participants are invited to submit their own original writing, which will become part of a new book. The book will be in the form of an anthology, which is a collection of writing from the LGBTQ+ community. It will launch in the summer of 2021.

Submissions can be a range of forms: poetry, personal essays, diary entries, letters to my future/former self, creative non-fiction – whatever speaks your truth.

Not only will writers who successfully submit have their work included in the book, but they we will also gain some profile through a launch event, online activities and interviews, and promotion of their work. Published entrants will also receive £100 towards launching their writing careers. Entrants do not need to be an experienced or published writer to take part.

The Arkbound Foundation is also happy to take published work anonymously.

Mike Findlay, vice-chair of the Arkbound Foundation, said: “This is a great opportunity to get your voice and writing out there. As a charity, we are committed to widening access to literature and improving diversity in publishing. We know that LGBTQ+ voices and experiences are often grossly mis-represented and un-represented in mainstream media. We want this to change.

“The Arkbound Foundation is also aware of the richness and variety of people’s experience of being LGBTQ+ across Scotland, and therefore wanted to capture this in a new book, which is a collection of stories from the community. The chance of taking part will hopefully provide a springboard for the next generation of LGBTQ+ writers.”

Author of Maggie & Me and You Will Be Safe Here, Damian Barr, said: “I really admire what the Arkbound Foundation is setting out to achieve with this project. I know from my own experience, how hard it can be to get your voice heard when you’re starting out. Being able to share your experience of being LGBTQ+ in writing is powerful not only for the individual, but also in redressing the balance of voices represented in publishing. I wish such an opportunity existed when I was starting out!” 

The Arkbound Foundation is particularly interested in hearing from those with intersecting identities. Being LGBTQ+ exists no matter your race, religion, disability, or socioeconomic background.

All contributors will receive a free copy of the anthology, embossed certificate and a share of book royalties. Work must not be published elsewhere. Following the deadline, the charity will keep you up to date on whether your submission will be included in the anthology. Max 3,000 words per submission.

The deadline for submissions is 13 February 2021 and should be sent to: Please email the same address with any questions you have.



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Waltraud Pospischil
over 4 years ago

Great to see Arkbound thriving in Scotland. Mike Findlay is working really hard to promote equality and diversity and give everyone a voice. Mike will also become our overall Arkbound Foundation chair from the beginning of November 2020. Congrats Mike! (From Val, who has chaired Arkbound for the last 2 years)

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