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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charities call on first minister to provide funding to avert winter catastrophe for vulnerable

This news post is almost 2 years old

Campaigners brace themselves for worst winter in living memory

Charities across Scotland have united to urge the Nicola Sturgeon to provide emergency funding to help the most vulnerable families ahead of a "harrowing and alarming winter."

In a letter sent to the first minister on Thursday (1 September) the coalition of eight charities (Action for Children, Aberlour, Barnardo’s Scotland, Bethany Christian Trust, Children 1st, One Parent Families Scotland, Save the Children UK and Who Cares? Scotland) appealed to the Scottish Government to establish a much-needed Winter Support Fund as it did in 2021.

The call to action comes as the Scottish Government’s Resilience Committee prepares to meet for its weekly meeting to discuss the progress being made to address the worsening cost of living crisis.

The letter addressed to Nicola Sturgeon warns many families will suffer a “harrowing and alarming winter” as they contend with skyrocketing bills and urges the government to provide a lifeline in the form of a Winter Support Fund.

The initiative points out that the scale of the financial challenge ahead is at least as serious as the pandemic and so the level of support must match what has been delivered previously. The Scottish Government’s £41m Winter Support Fund prescribed last year was a crucial last line of support for struggling families and allowed charities to reach the most vulnerable children and families.

Last year the Winter Support Fund enabled Action for Children to give financial support to many families. One parent of two daughters who received support said: “The vouchers have made all the difference as I had been so worried about not having enough food and presents for the girls at Christmas”.

One mother who also received winter support last year commented: “I can’t thank you enough, the support gave us a lifeline the vouchers really softened the blow with shopping and managing so tightly and I feel that this year is harder than last”.

Action for Children and the other charities backing the letter are already witnessing record requests for support and that will inevitably increase further as energy bills and food prices continue to soar throughout autumn and into Scotland’s cold winter.

The charities backing the letter to the are already seeing record requests for support and that will inevitably increase further as energy bills and food prices continue to soar throughout autumn and into winter.

Paul Carberry, Action for Children’s director for Scotland, shed light on the growing crisis and the need for further governmental intervention.

“The families we support are already under enormous pressure and are now set to face a relentless wave of energy price hikes and inflation all while coping with the colder weather.

“We are seeing more and more frightened families who are reaching crisis point. Some parents are coming to us in tears, terrified about how they are going to feed their children. Many of these families have already cut back to the bone and have nowhere left to cut.

“That is why we are calling on the Scottish Government, to renew the lifeline they gave last year to keep families afloat. By investing in a Winter Support Fund this year it will give families some much needed help and assurances over the coldest and darkest months ahead.”

The open letter also calls on the UK government to take similar immediate action and promises to continue to hold both the Scottish and UK government to account in ensuring families have the necessary support during the difficult months ahead.