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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charities launch aid appeals for Libya as DEC monitors disaster

This news post is 11 months old

More than 11,000 people have died and thousands are missing after flooding in Derna

Leading international aid charities have launched fundraising appeals following devastating floods in Libya earlier this month. 

Action Against Hunger, British Red Cross, CAFOD, Christian Aid, International Rescue Committee, and Islamic Relief have all announced appeals. 

It’s estimated more than 11,000 people have died and thousands are missing after a catastrophic storm burst two dams and flooded the eastern port city of Derna.

Christian Aid is working with Dan Church Aid (DCA), their Act Alliance partner, who have had an established presence in Libya since 2011. 

They are providing medical support to rescue teams in Derna and helping establish shelters to host homeless families in Benghazi.

Charlie Meiklejohn, community engagement and fundraising manager at Christian Aid Scotland, said: “We’ve all been shocked by the scenes of complete devastation in Libya. With critical infrastructure, including hospitals and homes, washed away by the flooding people don’t have the basics, like access to clean water and proper sanitation.

“Christian Aid has launched an appeal to strengthen the support we can give through our partner, Dan Church Aid, to people who have lost their homes, livelihoods and loved ones.

“Every prayer, every gift, every action brings hope to people hit by disaster. By joining us, you can help people in their time of need.”

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) has said it is now considering an appeal against its international criteria. 

In a statement, the group said: “The DEC is deeply concerned for people in eastern Libya after Storm Daniel caused widespread flooding which led to the breach of two dams near Derna, releasing a torrent of water through the city. Authorities say that more than 5,000 people have died and many more are missing.  

“The DEC is closely monitoring the situation and are in touch with our member charities who have teams in Libya. As more information emerges, we are continuing assessing the crisis against our criteria for launching a joint appeal. 

The DEC also encouraged anyone concerned to donate to its members’ appeals, as well as saying it is also considering appeals after an earthquake in Morocco, with the situation being monitored.

More than 2,500 people are reported to have lost their lives, many in rural mountain areas. Many are injured and have lost their homes.