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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charities unite to help struggling owners

This news post is almost 2 years old

Coalition has recruited MSPs to its cause

A group of leading animal welfare charities have joined forces to promote the vital services on offer to help struggling pet owners through the cost of living crisis. 

The Scottish Companion Animal Welfare Group (SCAWG) was formed to act as a collective voice to improve the health and welfare of companion animals in Scotland. Comprising of Dogs Trust, Blue Cross, Scottish SPCA, PDSA, Cats Protection, One Kind, and Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home, the group is working with Members of the Scottish Parliament to highlight the services available for their constituents to ensure the welfare needs of pets across Scotland are met.

On 19 May, representatives from each of the charities joined MSPs from across Scotland to attend SCAWG locations to hear more about the challenges the charities are currently facing and the cost of living services which are on hand to help struggling owners. 

John Mason MSP visited Dogs Trust Glasgow to see the charity’s pet food bank which has been running since September last year and is open to any dog owner in the area who needs help to meet the cost of food for their dogs.

The foodbank was set up in response to a record-breaking number of calls to the charity from owners struggling to meet the needs of their dogs against the increase in the cost of living.  Referrals from agencies such as Citizens Advice or local councils are not required.  All the food available via Dogs Trust Glasgow pet food bank has been kindly donated by supporters of the charity.  

Murdo Fraser MSP, Alexander Stewart MSP, Roz McCall MSP and Keith Brown MSP visited Cats Protection Forth Valley to hear more about the charity’s Community Kitty scheme which provides donated cat food to community partners tackling hunger and poverty, supporting owners who may find themselves in a position where they are concerned about having to give up their cat.

Alison Johnston MSP headed to Edinburgh PDSA Pet Hospital to learn more about the charity’s life-changing work carried out in their five Pet Hospitals across Scotland. The hospitals offer a lifeline to local pet owners, caring for thousands of pets every year and providing free and low cost veterinary treatment to eligible owners, who may otherwise struggle to afford treatment.  

Speaking on behalf of SCAWG, Lauren Wards from Dogs Trust said: “Charities across the animal welfare sector are experiencing incredibly high levels of enquires from owners struggling to meet the needs of their pets. However, there is help available, and we have joined forces with other charities in Scotland to promote all the services available to pet owners who need a helping hand.

“We hope by working with MSPs to promote these services, pet owners across Scotland will know they are not alone and there is support available, wherever they live.”



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Adejare olufunmilayo Dorcas
over 1 year ago

Am a widow with children from Nigeria, I lost my husband 2019, am a fashion designer and I want establish to create job opportunities and to earn my living with my kids so I need assistance to fund this. God bless TFN

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