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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity celebration cancelled - as cost of living means people can't buy tickets

This news post is almost 2 years old

Supporters reluctant to spend money as the future is so uncertain

A charity has had to cancel its flagship fundraiser – because the cost of living crisis means its supporters can’t afford tickets.

Perth and Kinross Association of Voluntary Service (PKAVS) had been planning its golden anniversary ball for two years.

It was to celebrate the Third Sector Interface’s 50 years of helping communities across Perth and Kinross.

However, the charity – which helps more than 6,000 people every year - has pulled the plug as its supporters say they can’t afford to attend.

People have told PKAVS they are concerned about what the coming months will bring, and are reluctant to spend money when the future is so uncertain.

Organisers said that while talking to supporters it became clear that the escalating cost of living crisis will be one of the biggest challenges they have ever faced.

Lori Hughes, PKAVS interim chief executive, said: “PKAVS turns 50 this year and our plan was to have a charity ball full of celebration and sparkle to mark the occasion. We did not foresee the cost of living crisis when we made our initial plans pre-pandemic, back in 2020. The world has changed significantly since then, and we must adapt to the new environment we find ourselves in.”

She echoed the warnings about the operational viability of third sector organisations due to the cost of living crisis, which was made this week by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, saying: “Like many charities, our fundraising efforts, which contribute to our core costs, and keep the lights on, have taken a hit. Our staff team will be back to the drawing board, exploring alternative ideas to celebrate with our stakeholders, clients, and communities.

“Our overriding priority is always the wellbeing of those we support. We are very aware of the challenges that the coming months will bring for many, and we continuously look for ways to address the evolving needs of individuals, families, organisations, and communities across Perthshire.” 

If you are in a position to support PKAVS, visit to donate.



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