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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity chief executive pay revealed

This news post is over 9 years old

​Healthcare charities dominate in salary survey

A survey has shown the UK’s highest paid charity chief raked in a whopping £780,000 last year while the average salary of top charity bosses is revealed to be £170,000.

David Mobbs earned the eye watering sum for being responsible for Nuffield Health, the private hospital operator.

Charity Finance magazine has published the Chief Executives Survey 2015 based on the Charity 100 Index, showing that, overall, chief executives salaries have risen by 3.4% over the past two years, from £164,500 in 2013.

However, the survey added the caveat that average pay is inflated by four very high earners, mostly at medical charities. If these posts are excluded, average pay falls sharply to £152,000.

Despite average salaries increasing, many top bosses took pay cuts last year, the survey found.

Mobbs himself saw his salary bracket fall from £860,000 to £780,000. However, this year his pay was boosted by a £140,000 “fluctuation” possibly related to performance.

Pay levels for charity chiefs has come under criticism of late in the media – but statistics show averages are still significantly lower than their private sector counterparts.

Chief executives at FTSE 100 companies average salaries top £4.9 million per year - 28 times the average charity chief’s salary while NHS bosses at top hospitals can expect to earn at least £400,000.

Top earning Scots earn substantially less than their English equivalents, however.

Highest paid in Scotland is thought to be Stuart Earley, the chief executive of the Scottish SPCA who is on a salary of £185,000.

Laura Lee, executive in charge of cancer charity Maggie’s Centre, is thought to earn between £110,000 and £120,000.

Bosses at Quarriers, Capability Scotland, Scottish Autism and SAMH are all on wages around the £100,000 mark.

UK's highest paid charity chief executives
1. David Mobbs, Nuffield Health. Salary range: £780,000-£790,000
2. Paul Holdom, London Clinic Trustees. Salary range: £390,000-£400,000
3. Jeremy Farrar, Wellcome Trust. Salary: £394,000
4. Simon Cooke, Marie Stopes. Salary range: £370,000-£380,000
5. Michael Anderson, CIFF (UK). Salary range: £360,000-£370,000
6. Peter Vicary-Smith, Consumers' Association. Salary range: £330,000-£340,000
7. Nigel Fine, Institution of Engineering. Salary range: £320,000-£330,000
8. Paul Hardaker, Institute of Physics. Salary range: £290,000-£300,000
9. Alex Beard, Royal Opera House. Salary: £250,000


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over 9 years ago
Getting good people is key to any organisation - be it public private or charity.But paying charity chiefs huge salaries when many of the charities are substantially funded through benevolent personal donations is an anathema to the donors.In fact, when folks look closer they very often find that many of the so called charities are little more than top heavy quangos delivering very little bang for the buck.High time that some of these money making wheezes were properly regulated by the Charity Commission.
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William Houghton
almost 3 years ago

The government should regulate the salaries of the top people, who are grossly overplayed, by suspending tax breaks to any organstation that pays a top salary of more than four times the living wage

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over 5 years ago
i want to know the annual current pay of the CEO of Plan UK please.
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over 2 years ago

And there right in your face is also the fact that they are all men. So much for diversity in this sector!

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Barry Williams
about 2 years ago

Trying to find out how much the the CEO of Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland (Andrew Wynd) is paid

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Phantom Trooper
over 1 year ago

Looking at some of the lottery style salaries of some of these people makes me feeling like I want to throw up. It IS an absolute disgrace to pay the obscene amounts of money to these people. The watch word is Karma, what you sow you will reap in the next world, trust me I know.

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over 1 year ago

The sheer greed of these top noises makes me sick. Tory greedy so and sos

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