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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity chief’s support for UKIP slammed

This news post is about 5 years old

Views incompatible with charity's aims says complaint

A disability charity is facing pressure over the appointment of its new chief executive who previously praised the UK independence charity.

London-based Kids, which supports disabled children, made former barrister Katie Ghose chief executive in September.

Ghose stepped down as chief executive of Women's Aid in February after footage revealed a speech she made in her previous post at the chief executive of the Electoral Reform Society in which she praised Ukip's "passion for a new way of doing politics" and referred to Douglas Carswell, then a Ukip MP, as "an outstanding MP."

Now Rodney Francisco, a father of one of its service users, has formally written to Stephen Unwin, the chair of the charity, urging him to reconsider her appointment.

He said it beggared belief that the charity had appointed someone who showed support for a right-wing party.

Francisco told Third Sector: "If Mr Unwin is insistent on maintaining that due diligence is not a matter for discussion, then Katie Ghose should be asked to resign because it leaves the reasonable assumption that these aspects of her suitability were not discussed prior to her appointment."

Unwin praised Ghose as a chief executive, saying she was was passionately opposed to racism, intolerance and extremism of all kinds and has never been a member of Ukip or a supporter of its aims.

"During 27 years in the non-profit sector, but especially at the Electoral Reform Society, Katie Ghose has worked to influence members from all political parties, including attending their party meetings and conferences," said Unwin.



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Harriet Yeo
about 5 years ago
Sadly so many people suffer from ‘Red top ramblings’, even a Hope not Hate spokesman on a BBC programme said that Nigel Farage’s UKIP wasn’t racist - subsequent leaders are up for discussion - and it would have been Farage when Carswell was an MP.Sadly Ms Ghose is not the first charity employee to be treated differently because they saw the need to do politics differently, despite the fact even the Lib Dems want to do it differently. Bias based on such ignorance shouldn’t be given air space.
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lok Yue
about 5 years ago
How strange and here was i thinking that UKIP was a registered political party in good standing and that people in this country had a democratic duty to support and vote for any non-proscribed political party. However I must have been wrong because someone wrote to the Charity's Chairman saying it "beggared belief that the charity had appointed someone who showed support for a right-wing party."So freedom to support political parties in good standing is only applicable if those parties are on the left of the political spectrum. Funny old world aint it? For the writers information, i have worked for and volunteered in the third Sector in Scotland for more than 20 years and I am on the political right. so does that mean i should immediately give up all paid and unpaid charitable work? What utter, biased, bigoted nonsense.
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