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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity gives top banker a lesson in the reality of debt

This news post is over 6 years old

Top economist sees some of the problems people are dealing with in today’s economy

One of the UK’s top economists got a lesson on how fiscal policies affect the most vulnerable visited a Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

Andrew Haldane, chief economist at the Bank of England and a member of the bank’s monetary policy committee, made a visit to West Lothian CAB, where he met with both clients and advisers to see some of the problems people are dealing with in today’s economy.

Afterwards he and his team also met in Edinburgh with Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) and a range of other third sector organisations to discuss the issue of household debt in Scotland.

This visits came at the personal invitation of CAS chief executive Derek Mitchell.

Haldane said: “The discussions I’ve had with representatives of Citizens Advice Scotland and other groups have been hugely informative and helpful. Talking to the staff and volunteers at the Citizens Advice Bureau in Livingston really brought home to me some of the issues that are facing households in West Lothian and beyond, particularly with regards to debt.

“My conversations with those who are currently using the CAB services revealed to me the importance of having such an experienced, sensitive and impartial source of advice.

“I saw first-hand how the support provided can help people to overcome some of the stigma and embarrassment that can be associated with talking about debt, and set them on the right path towards getting their finances back on track.”

Derek Mitchell, chief executive of Citizens Advice Scotland, says: “Earlier this year we heard Mr Haldane say he was keen to meet with people who could tell him about the impact of the policy decisions he and his committee make.

“We invited him to see a day in the life of a typical Scottish CAB and experience the work our advisers do, the types of clients they see and what help they need. To be fair he has been true to his word and we are delighted and honoured that he accepted our invitation.

“We also spoke to him about the wider experience and evidence of the Scottish CAB network. We are the only agency that offers face-to-face advice across the whole of Scotland and across a broad range of issues, from debt and poverty to housing problems and consumer issues – all of which are impacted by the bank’s decisions.”

You can read more about the visit here.