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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity offers free face mask exempt badges

This news post is over 4 years old

Euan's Guide has created the badges as many disabled people are unable to wear face coverings

A charity is offering support to those who are unable to wear face masks.

A new initiative to help disabled people and individuals with hidden impairments navigate the complexities of social distancing is being launched by Euan’s Guide, a charity focused on making it easier for disabled people to get out and about.

The charity is providing free ‘face mask exempt’ badges to help people who cannot wear a face covering to get out and travel without harassment.

Figures from Disability Rights UK showed that nearly 60% of people who cannot wear a face covering fear being challenged for not wearing one. The research showed that the same amount of people felt they lacked the confidence to stand up for themselves if they were challenged for not wearing a face covering.

Face masks now must be worn on public transport in Scotland. While both the UK and Scottish Governments have released a list of individuals who are exempt from this requirement, it is not stopping people from commenting and judging individuals who are not wearing a mask.

People’s reasons for being exempt may not be obvious at first glance. The badge has been designed to stand out and quickly alert others that there is a reason why the individual is not wearing a mask.

The idea behind the badge came from Euan’s Guide users who were sharing their concerns of how they would be treated for going places without a mask. The badge is designed to make the wearer feel more comfortable visiting places where the majority of people will be wearing face covering.

Paul Ralph, access and inclusion director for Euan’s Guide, said: “People are often quick to judge, which can make it intimidating to travel when you are going against the majority and seemingly ‘violating’ the rules. Individual reasons for not wearing face masks are not always obvious, which is why we’ve created these badges so that the wearer feels more confident to travel and to ensure that everyone knows that some people are exempt from the face covering rule in England and Scotland.”

The charity has a limited number of badges to give out initially free of charge. They hope to be able to produce and distribute more badges with the support of donations. Anyone looking to request a badge or find out more about how they can support this project should visit the Euan’s Guide website.



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Barbara Aldous
about 4 years ago

I have COPD and asthma. Wearing a mask makes my breathing very laboured

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over 4 years ago
Myself and my grandson have astma
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over 4 years ago
How do I order my face mask exemption badge?
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Michelle Peace
over 4 years ago

I have MS and am in a wheelchair

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Susan Lewis
over 4 years ago

I'm trying to get a badge for exception from wearing face mask as have heart and lung deseice and copd please

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Carol Bill
over 4 years ago

I’m trying to get a card saying I’m except as I have copd please

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Irene Walton
over 4 years ago

I have been diagnosed with lung cancer for the second time. Struggle in stores and don't want people to judge me. Can I please have a card.

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gedaliah sayagh
almost 4 years ago

I am asmetic

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yehoshua sayagh
almost 4 years ago

I have breathing problems

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mr makoever
almost 4 years ago

I have difficulty with wearing a mask

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over 4 years ago
Health problems & skin problems
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mandy jane edwards
over 4 years ago

i suffer with astma sleep apnoe pku i am in a wheel chair.

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Brandan Jolly
over 4 years ago

I have bad anxieties and wearing a mask makes it bad

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over 4 years ago

I suffer from panic attacks wearing a Mack lacks it worse

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Trevor Simpson
about 4 years ago

I have disability which is hidden

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Singh Sohanpal
almost 4 years ago

I have dietetic and I have learning difficulties

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mr makoever
almost 4 years ago

I have problems with wearing a mask

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Moira Simpson
almost 4 years ago

I have heart disease and have breathing difficulties .

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Moira Simpson
almost 4 years ago

I have heart disease and have breathing difficulties .

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Mary Ellen Ralph
almost 4 years ago

I suffer from poor mental health

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Matilda Gemmill
over 3 years ago

I can't were face mask I have cold

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Miss Agius
over 3 years ago

Hi I be grateful if u cud send me a free brage only im suffering from a brain Injury plus I've got alot of health problems thank u

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over 3 years ago


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Steven Hoare
over 3 years ago

I suffer from COPD and asthma could I have face mask exemption please,thanks steve

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over 3 years ago

I have copd can I have free mask please

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Carol johnston
about 3 years ago

I have had a badge from you before it was damaged I would like another please. I am athsmatic

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Gloria Jarvis
about 3 years ago

I have COPD and have a medical certificate for exemption from wearing a mask

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Gloria Jarvis
about 3 years ago

I have COPD and have a medical certificate for exemption from wearing a mask

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Sally Murray
about 3 years ago

I have copd and find I’d difficult to breath with a mask on.

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Joyce O'Hanlon
about 3 years ago

I have lost my badge, the pin broke please can i have another one.

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Joyce O'Hanlon
about 3 years ago

I have lost my badge, the pin broke please can i have another one.

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Sharon clough
about 3 years ago

I have asthma

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Sharon clough
about 3 years ago

I have asthma

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