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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Charity wants more care home partnership working

This news post is almost 5 years old

Age Scotland has welcomed efforts to support care homes through the coronavirus crisis

A charity has said it hopes to see more partnership working in Scottish care homes.

Age Scotland has welcomed the Scottish Government's announcement of new arrangements to help care providers deal with coronavirus pandemic pressures.

Care homes have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, accounting for 45% of coronavirus-related deaths in Scotland.

From Monday (18 May), every health board and local authority must put in place a multi-disciplinary team comprised of key clinical leads and the area’s chief social work officer.

The teams' remits will include daily discussions about the quality of care in each care home in their area, with particular focus on implementation of infection prevention and control, and the provision of expert clinical support to residents who have coronavirus.

Age Scotland's head of policy, Adam Stachura, said: "These new powers are very welcome. The pandemic has further exposed the huge pressure the social care sector was under, and we urgently need to see more partnership working across health and social care to ensure greatest protection is given to care home residents.

"Covid-19 has clearly had a devastating impact on care homes, and the weekly statistics on deaths make grim reading. Care workers are doing an incredible job in extremely difficult circumstances, but it’s absolutely vital to ensure that they have all the support and protection they need.

“We have never dealt with anything like this in living memory so it is important that residents, families, social care staff and the public know that everything is being done to deliver the best care possible and ensure their loved ones are safe.”

Health secretary Jeane Freeman said: “The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on Scotland’s social care services. It is of paramount importance that those using services, including residents of care homes and those supporting them, are provided with the best possible care and the Scottish Government is doing everything in its power to ensure that is the case.

“All organisations including care providers are responsible for effective and safe care in their services and are expected to work closely together and at pace to give effect to these arrangements. While these are unprecedented times, everything possible must be done to protect care home residents and staff from the effects of Covid-19.

“These new arrangements will ensure clarity and consistency across the country about the role of health boards and local authorities in helping to keep their residents safe from coronavirus and should be seen alongside other recent action the Scottish Government has taken, including publishing revised guidance for the sector, and amendments to the Coronavirus Bill being discussed at parliament next week. I want to assure staff, residents and their families that a safe residential environment in care homes remains our top priority.”