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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Climate and nature charities hit out at Scottish political leaders

This news post is 12 months old

An open letter has been published criticising the lack of urgency from MSPs. 

A coalition of nature charities from across Scotland have hit out at political leaders, who they claim  lack urgency in dealing with the climate crisis. 

In an open letter directed at "all Scottish party leaders", the heads of 25 organisations call for legal targets for nature restoration and a biodiversity strategy to reverse nature loss. 

The charity leaders said there must also be reforms to marine protection and funding for agriculture and forestry.

Following numerous record-breaking temperatures and wildfire across the globe, the letter raises concerns that "our political leaders are not responding to" nature and climate crises "with the urgency required". 

They wrote: "The status quo is not sustainable. Yet we have seen key environmental commitments shelved or delayed and increasing signals that differing views on environmental policy will be exploited for electoral purposes or treated as disposable.

"All parties committed to strengthening environmental protection and restoration at the last Scottish election. Scotland, as a wealthy country, as an early industrialiser and as one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world, has a moral obligation to show leadership.

"There are opportunities in this parliament to deliver meaningful progress. We call on you all to reaffirm your commitment to the health of our planet - our life support system - by working together to rapidly support measures to reduce emissions in line with statutory targets agreed by this parliament, and halt and reverse nature loss."

The full list of signatories is: 

Alastair Seaman, director, Woodland Trust Scotland

Alison Lomax, director, Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust

Alistair Whyte, head of Plantlife Scotland

Anne McCall, director, RSPB Scotland

Clare Cavers, senior project manager, Fidra

Dave Windle, chair, North East Mountain Trust

David McKay, head of policy, Soil Association Scotland

Deborah Long, chief officer, Scottish Environment LINK

Eddie Palmer, chair, Scottish Badgers

Gracie Bradley, director, Friends of the Earth Scotland

Gus Jones, convener, Badenoch & Strathspey Conservation Group

Jo Pike, CEO, Scottish Wildlife Trust

Kat Jones, director, APRS

Kate Elliot, chair, Scottish Countryside Rangers’ Association

Kathy Wormald, CEO, Froglife Trust

Kit Stoner, CEO, Bat Conservation Trust

Lang Banks, director, WWF Scotland

Logan Steele, communications secretary, Scottish Raptor Study Group

Philip Long, CEO, National Trust for Scotland

Sally Hayns, CEO, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management

Shivali Fifield, chief officer, Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland

Steve Micklewright, CEO, Trees for Life

Susan Davies, chief executive, Scottish Seabird Centre

Tim Coleshaw, chair, British Dragonfly Society

Tom Prescott, head of conservation Scotland, Butterfly Conservation

Tony Gent, CEO, Amphibian and Reptile Conservation



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Lok Yue
12 months ago

Why not suggest the Scottish Government try and run the country properly? Scotland spending billions on green schemes won't make an iota of difference to the world: it'll just bankrupt us

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David Hansen
12 months ago

We have seen many words from politicians, over many years. I'm old enough to have attended the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen in 2009.

What we have not seen these politicians do is match their words with deeds, but it is deeds that matter. The planet does not respond to the words of politicians.

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