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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Contribution brings fruitful partnership to a close

This news post is about 1 year old

Unique PR agency gives cash, time and expertise to valuable causes

Cash and the donation of valuable expertise by a unique charity has helped vulnerable children and families at Glasgow’s Hospital Charity (GHC).

Dot + Del PR, a charitable marketing agency, presented its chosen charity partner with a cheque for £8,000, marking the end of an 18-month partnership which saw more than £16,000-worth of agency time donated in kind for charitable causes during the period.

The Glasgow-based agency gives 100% of its profits to charity and was launched in 2022 by PR professional Susie Fraser, who remains chair of the agency.

Co-Founder and director Hayley Hatherell, who oversees the day-to-day management of the company, said: “We’re incredibly proud to present this money to GCHC which we know will be used to support families across the West of Scotland.

"We understand that in this economy, this may seem like a small amount, however if every private business donated just a small amount to the third sector – what a difference it would make.”

Kirsten Watson, chief executive of GCHC said the money donated will help to support hospital families with the additional costs that can often arise when a child is in hospital.

“Thanks to dot + del, we will be able to provide financial and practical support to families throughout the West of Scotland, during some of their darkest and most challenging days,” she said.

Dot + Del is a tribute to Susie’s parents, affectionately known as Dot and Del, who both contributed to journalism and charity and were leading lights within the media industry in the 70s and 80s.

The ethos of Dot + Del is to transform the marketing and communications landscape by providing a high level of service with a whole lot of heart. 

Founder and chair, Susie Fraser added: “After working through the Covid-19 pandemic and seeing the significant impact it has had on the community, businesses, and my family, I knew it was time to make a change. I am so proud of dot + del and hope to leave a positive legacy in honour of my parents. And some exciting news is that we are opening dot + del London this Summer too.” 

As well as the cash raised for GCHC, the agency has also supported more than 20 freelancers and worked closely with others on contracts since launching in April 2022. 

The organisation is supported by an extensive freelance network of branding experts, videographers, photographers, designers, content creators, animators, and affiliates used to deliver a wide variety of projects and campaigns.