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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Deacon Blue star backs homelessness campaign

This news post is almost 5 years old

Nightstop offers young people a safe place to spend the night in times of crisis.

Deacon Blue star Lorraine McIntosh has called upon people in Glasgow to “open their homes and hearts” to vulnerable young people in her home city.

After revealing this week that she was homeless when she was 18, the singer is backing an initiative that offers young people a safe place to spend the night in times of crisis.

The Nightstop campaign, run by homelessness charity Simon Community Scotland, aims to prevent people aged 16-25 ending up on the streets or in unsuitable or dangerous temporary accommodation.

Nightstop places young people in a safe and warm home for the night, provided by a vetted and approved volunteer.

Hosts offer a private bedroom, a hot meal, and a shower. A range of toiletries and other essentials are also provided by the charity. Young people can stay for one or two nights, or in some cases up to three weeks, during which time they will be offered support from the Nightstop team.

Lorraine, who is encouraging people to sign up as hosts, said the service would have been a lifeline for her in her teenage years.

“I came out of school one day and didn’t know where I was going to sleep that night,” she said.

“It was a really shameful and embarrassing experience and I had nowhere to turn. If Nightstop had been around then for me that would have been brilliant.

“Just to be offered a bedroom, a hot meal, some nice clean pyjamas and toiletries and to know you can talk to someone if you want to, but that’s left up to you.”

Simon Community chief executive Lorraine McGrath added: “We’re calling upon the people of Glasgow to open their hearts and homes, by helping us help young people in desperate need. These young people are often coming from extremely difficult circumstances, and a safe, calm place to rest for the night is critically important.

“Last year when we launched, we provided 96 nights of accommodation for young people, but we expect this to rise this winter, after we launch a new awareness campaign for young people across the city.

“Being a host might mean being available as little as one night per month, or more if possible. Each host that joins us is extensively trained, has ongoing support, and all of our work is underpinned with a very significant safeguarding process.”

Lorraine is hosting an information evening on 24 October for anyone who think they would be interested in hosting. Further information can be found on the Simon Community website.