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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

DEC Scotland welcomes Edinburgh plans to fly Gaza appeal flag

This news post is almost 10 years old

City of Edinburgh Council is to discuss flying a Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) flag baring the Gaza appeal number

Scottish organisers of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) have welcomed plans by the City of Edinburgh Council to fly a flag bearing the Gaza crisis appeal number above the City Chambers.

The move by the local authority follows Glasgow, Aberdeen, Fife and West Dunbartonshire flying or announcing they plan to fly the Palestinian flag over their offices.

Neil Mathers, chair of the DEC in Scotland, said: “Raising the DEC appeal number above the City Chambers in the centre of Edinburgh would be an inspired move by the City of Edinburgh Council, one which could make a real difference to those affected by the crisis in Gaza.

“This is a great way for the DEC Gaza crisis appeal to be brought to the attention of people in Edinburgh, including the many visitors attending the festival at the moment.

“We’re grateful to the leader of the council, Andrew Burns, for proposing these plans. His initiative to support the DEC appeal will, in turn, give support to the many thousands of families in Gaza who need help right now.”

The move to fly the flag has been suggested in a motion tabled by Burns and is expected to be ratified at a full council meeting next Thursday. A separate motion by Green councillor Chas Booth to raise the Palestinian flag has also been tabled.

Mr Burns said: "I think that is a practical way of trying to respond to the situation in Gaza.

"It will generate hopefully some practical result - it’s not just going to be a gesture, it will result in some money being raised for the DEC appeal.

"We feel that’s the best way to respond constructively to what’s an appalling situation in Gaza."

Since the DEC appeal was launched last Friday more than £8 million has been donated including £565,000 donated in Scotland.

Mathers added: “The humanitarian need in Gaza is overwhelming but, despite the risks and logistical difficulties, our member agencies are reaching hundreds of thousands of people with aid.

“Donations from the Scottish public have been very generous so far and we hope they’ll continue to back the appeal."

Donations can be made at or by calling 0370 60 60 900.