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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Dementia art project unveiled

This news post is about 6 years old

Cloudgate was created by a renowned artist who worked alongside those with dementia

An artist has created a work which aims to support those with dementia.

The thoughts of people in central Scotland who are living with the condition have helped formulate two digital artworks at Forth Valley Royal Hospital – one based on clouds, the other reflecting land through which dreams flow.

The £15,000 project was secured by Artlink Central through the Baring Foundation’s Arts and Older People programme and has been created by Fife-based digital artist Elizabeth Ogilvie who worked with filmmaker Rob Page.

Ogilvie is one of the most significant artists of her generation in Scotland with a compelling vision and strong track record in realizing projects of scale and critical public engagement.

Her decision to create a cloudscape in the atrium and a gentle landscape for a dementia ward was helped with support from a local artist living with dementia. Latterly, she engaged with Alzheimer Scotland’s Brain Gym in Camelon where a group of of people affected by the disease talked about landscapes that were important to them as well as offering advice on camera shots and movements to provide dementia accessible advice.

The work was supported by Serco, who installed the final projections.

Cloudgate, the public exhibition in the atrium takes the form of a projected moving image on to a voile theatre screen which will then cast further back onto a second screen.

Ogilvie said: “The initial thinking for the installation in this location was inspired by my first visit to the Forth Valley Royal Hospital site with its enormous skies. And through research, experimentation and development of the concept, the final work here is a more conceptual notion of the whole water cycle: ice crystals/snow clouds rain mist and distribution as raindrops splash into a river and then the whole cycle starts again - a life cycle, a continuum.

“Cloudgate provides a meditative and quiet moment for hospital patients, visitors and staff and also hopefully, an affirming one.”

The ward based work projects three digital screens to create a triptych of slow moving landscape images that are like paintings. They play out slowly and feature someone walking across the scenes providing a connection between each work. The films operate on a loop and feature birdsong.

Director of Artlink Central, Kevin Harrison added: "Creating a meaningful and appropriate dementia friendly digital arts commission in a Later Style context has offered us a rich opportunity to create something very beautiful for public, staff and patients that has and will strengthen our practice in commissioning art in hospitals and which has provided a rich case study for benefits and challenges of socially engaged commissioning in a modern healthcare context.”