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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Disadvantaged youngsters in Scotland to benefit from positive coaching

This news post is over 5 years old

Winning Scotland Foundation has launched a new project to create opportunities for young people through sport and physical activity

A new project has been launched to create opportunities for young people through sport and physical activity.

The Positive Coaching Plus programme (PCS Plus) is launching a new pilot project to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to learn important life skills through informal sport, play and physical activity.

The project will benefit young people in care, children from areas of deprivation and young people with disabilities.

The project aims to equip the people who deliver sport and physical activity to children, such as coaches and teachers, with tools and guidance to create a holistic learning environment that uses sport as the platform.

It will give training to coaches, teachers and youth workers from a range of groups such as Kibble, PEEK, Bike For Good, and Trust Rugby International. Expert tutors from Winning Scotland Foundation, Scottish Rugby, the Scottish FA and sportscotland will be delivering the pilot project.

Michaela Collins, chief executive of PEEK said, “PEEK are excited to be working in collaboration with Winning Scotland Foundation through their PCS Plus programme. This is a brilliant opportunity to further develop our staff skills and knowledge in supporting young people to become more confident and resilient.”

Funded by investment managers Baillie Gifford and delivered by the charity Winning Scotland Foundation, the training commenced with 50 teachers from Kibble and 20 coaches from PEEK on Tuesday 13th August in Glasgow.

In the long term, the project will be addressing a gap where adults who support young people in informal sport often miss out on important training and development opportunities, which are enjoyed by their peers in sports such as football and rugby as standard.

Mhari Borland, project manager from Winning Scotland Foundation said: “With Baillie Gifford we recognised that thousands of youngsters who are playing sport and being active, through our charity partners’ services, could develop confidence and resilience through positive coaching. By collaborating with these groups, and providing their coaches, teachers and youth workers with PCS Plus training, we believe the young people in their care will gain emotional, physical and psychological development, increasing their chances of fulfilling their potential.”