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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Double take: two Adams support Waverley Care

This news post is almost 10 years old

Waverley Care has drummed up corporate support from two managers called Adam Knight in preparation for this year's Edinburgh Fringe festival

What’s in a name? Everything to two Edinburgh based corporate charity sponsors!

There was a double take recently when two supporters of Waverley Care discovered that they share more than their choice of charity.

Adam Knight, general manager of Edinburgh Playhouse met Adam Knight, manager of Starbucks, at Waverley Steps to share a cup of coffee and a chat about charity support during this year’s Edinburgh Fringe.

Both Adams are keen to generate funds for and raise awareness of the innovative work of Waverley Care in Edinburgh, which helps people living with HIV or Hepatitis C.

The Playhouse has adopted Waverley Care as one of its two beneficiary charities and is hosting its annual comedy gala and Starbucks is planning to make the charity’s distinctive tartan awareness ribbons available in selected stores throughout this year’s Edinburgh Fringe.

Karen Docwra, fundraising manager of Waverley Care, said: “We are extraordinarily lucky to have the support of both Edinburgh Playhouse and Starbucks and it’s serendipitous to be working with two people of the same name who both have such genuine enthusiasm for and understanding of all that we achieve.”

Edinburgh Playhouse and Starbucks are just two of a growing number of companies and organisations in the city who have chosen to work closely with Waverley Care.

Current supporters also include Harvey Nichols, which has selected Waverley Care as its charity of the year and Lloyds Banking Group, whose volunteering support has extended to gardening, bucket shaking and support for the charity’s management team.

Waverley Care’s comedy gala, put on for the charity by Off the Kerb, takes place at the Edinburgh Playhouse on Sunday, 16 August at 7.30pm.