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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Employers urged to harness young people's talents

This news post is 11 months old

This week is Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2024

Barnardo’s is calling on employers to tap into the wealth of talent young people harness.

It comes as the charity is highlighting Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2024 to promote its works services that supports young people aged 15 to 29 into employment and training.

In a typical year, the service will support around 1,100 to 1,200 of those to move into employment.

One such young person that has been supported is Kelsey, who recently completed the Barnardo’s Step 2 Work programme – an employability course which aims to give young people additional knowledge, build confidence levels, relevant qualifications and a work placement in a real working environment in the local community.

Kelsey, 17, says: “I had no qualifications when I left school and I also had no form of identification, no Young Scot card or bank account, so I wanted to take every opportunity available to me. I attended several employer talks, completed a First Aid at Work course, and gained a Personal Money Management and an Independent Living Skills qualification.

“I then went on a work placement with KLAS Care to shadow childcare assistants for six weeks. And when it looked like an apprenticeship with another childcare provider was on the table, KLAS Care were so happy with my work that they found funding to offer me an apprenticeship.

“I was so happy to have come so far. I am now doing an SVQ Level 3 in Children and Young People with KLAS Care on a 12-month contract with a permanent contract available at the end of 12 months.”

Lesley Compston, Childcare Manager of KLAS Care, said: “Kelsey was enthusiastic from day one of her placement. She made connections with the children and the staff and settled into her role as support practitioner very quickly.

“Kelsey soon became a vital part of the team and was offered an apprenticeship with KLAS Care with a permanent contract. She is progressing well with her SVQ in Child and young people and is now recognised as a childcare practitioner. We are so proud of all that Kelsey has achieved.”

Tommy McDade, UK Head of Business for Employment, Training and Skills at Barnardo’s, said: “In hubs across Scotland, Barnardo’s Works successfully supports young people aged 15 to 29 who might normally face barriers when looking for a job or applying for college. But we cannot do that without the buy-in from employers looking for talented and enthusiastic young people.

“Group and individual programmes help young people to gain valuable life and work skills, qualifications and practical work experience. Everyone is supported during their programme by a Project Worker to complete employability training to get them ready for the world of work, college or training.”

Barnardo’s Works in Scotland has five services working within 14 local authorities supporting young people into careers in a whole host of sectors such as construction, admin, sports and hospitality.

Barnardo’s Works West is a successful and established service based in the Lochfield area of Paisley and covering primarily the Renfrewshire council area, providing young people with the skills, experience, and opportunities to access independent, sustainable employment.

It offers a wide variety of programmes supporting young people aged 15-29 into employment and training. These range from bespoke one-to-one programmes to group work and work placements, all with the aim of helping young people achieve their employment goals.