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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Exclusive: winners of the 2017 Scottish Charity Awards

This news post is over 7 years old

Street Soccer Scotland, a unique project to combat social exclusion through football has been named as the charity of the year 2017

Street Soccer Scotland, a unique project to combat social exclusion through football, has been named Scottish charity of the year.

The charity picked up the gong at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) annual Scottish Charity Awards, in recognition of a range of activities including organising 2016's hugely successful Homeless World Cup in Glasgow.

Street Soccer Scotland provides free football drop-in sessions 365 days a year for some of Scotland's most socially excluded people.

It motivates them by building their confidence, providing an environment where friendships can be built and encourages them to make a positive change in their lives.

On receiving the award, David Duke, founder and chief executive of Street Soccer Scotland, said: "It is a great honour to receive this award. We would like to dedicate it to all our staff and volunteers who work 365 days a year to try and make our vision a reality.

“We also would like to dedicate it to our players who every day find motivation to change their lives for the better and overcome real struggles like homelessness and mental health issues."

Picking up the prestigious People’s Choice Award was MND Scotland’s Gordon’s Fightback campaign.

This was set up by Gordon Aikman, who died of Motor Neurone Disease in February after a three-year battle with the condition.

His campaigning helped to transform MND care, raising over £600,000 towards finding a cure and doubling the number of NHS-funded MND nurses in Scotland. Patients who lose their voice also now have a legal right to speech equipment through the health service.

Lawrence Cowan, chair of MND Scotland, said: "I miss Gordon every day. It's wonderful that Gordon's achievements have been celebrated with this award. What the Gordon's Fightback campaign has achieved is remarkable – patients with MND see their nurses more often and for longer and there are also more researchers in Scotland searching for a cure."

Joe Pike, Gordon’s husband, said: “I would love to have seen the expression on Gordon's face as he was announced as the winner of this award. I would have loved to have heard the speech – the powerful speech – he would have given. But Gordon is gone – MND kills, and it kills fast. Yet this award is a wonderful tribute to his incredible campaigning, and we will continue with Gordon's Fightback until a cure for MND is found.”

There were two new awards this year – for Leading Light and Teriffic Trustee.

Celine Sinclair, chief executive of The Yard, picked up the Leading Light award for her work as an advocate for disabled children.

She is well known in the third sector as an expert in play and disability. She has also been praised for replicating The Yard’s unique culture and atmosphere from Edinburgh into its new services in Dundee and Fife.

This year's Terrific Trustee is Jim Campbell of Bobath Scotland. A former chair of the charity, he led it through a remarkable turnaround from losses of £192k into surplus, and he is now a Bobath ambassador.

Charity Champion is Laura Young of the Teapot Trust, who has helped make hospitals less daunting for children and their families by providing art therapy.

Cracking Campaign this year goes to #IncludED in the Main?! The campaign is Enable Scotland’s bid to improve mainstream education for young people who have learning disabilities.

The Pioneering Project is C-change Scotland’s dates-n-mates scheme – Scotland’s first dating and friendship agency run by and for adults with learning disabilities.

Dunaverty Hall Committee win the Celebrating Communities award for their contribution to providing people in Southend, Kintyre, with a safe, warm place to enjoy leisure activities

Meanwhile Drake Music Scotland picked up the Demonstrating Digital award for helping more than 1,200 children and adults with disabilities to play music, and being one of the first organisations to help disabled people use iPads as musical instruments

Shulah Allan, convener of SCVO, said: “I’m in awe of all the finalists and winners. Thanks to their efforts, more people in Scotland are receiving the support they need when they need it and we’re all more aware of important issues, and causes, which affect vulnerable people, and us all.”



0 0
over 7 years ago
You doing amazing work! Regards from
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over 7 years ago
As of 26th June 2017, OSCR still haven't got any accounts of Street Soccer listed. Surely this would be a pre-requisite before any organisation can receive major funding, let alone win an award like this.I'm not saying there's anything underhand going on, but someone in OSCR should be sorting this out.
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Gary Kristan
over 7 years ago
This article was really informative. Thank you for providing it. h
0 0
over 7 years ago
I was reading the provided article with a great interest! This post is useful and informative.
0 0
over 7 years ago
The various situations that we never even heard of. Really love these kinda articles.
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