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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Fife Gingerbread is the People’s Choice

This news post is almost 11 years old

Record number of votes cast to crown lone-parent family support charity

The Scottish public has spoken and Fife Gingerbread has been crowned the People’s Choice Award winner at the 2014 Scottish Charity Awards.

The charity which provides a variety of services to lone-parent families across Fife came out on top of a public vote of all shortlisted finalists across six categories at the awards, which were held tonight in Edinburgh’s Assembly Rooms.

We are privileged to have a fantastic and dedicated team of support workers, volunteers, managers, office staff and board members

A record breaking nearly 19,000 votes were cast in the category with people voting from as far afield as the Bahamas, Sri Lanka and Argentina.

Rhona Cunningham, manager of Fife Gingerbread, told guests at the annual awards ceremony and dinner organised by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) that the charity was overwhelmed by the support shown.

“We are absolutely blown away to have won this prestigious award,” she said.

“We are privileged to have a fantastic and dedicated team of support workers, volunteers, managers, office staff and board members.

“They allow us to provide vital early-intervention support for families in Fife, and thanks to our funders and partner organisations we are able to deliver the very best support possible.”

For nearly 30 years Fife Gingerbread, based in the coastal town of Leven, has worked to improve the lives and futures of disadvantaged lone parents and families in Fife.

Over the years it has provided support to thousands of families and is particularly relevant today when poverty and welfare reforms are having a major impact on so many disadvantaged communities.

Shulah Allan, convener of SCVO, said: “All of this year’s finalists are remarkable examples of how Scotland has one of the most vibrant and innovative third sectors in the world.

“The awards are all about celebrating the endless energy that these people channel into making Scotland a better place to live.”

2014 Scottish Charity Awards Winners
Charity Champion - Gail McKeitch from Ellon, Aberdeenshire
Celebrating Communities - The Caravan Project, Glasgow
Cracking Campaign - The Coalition for Continuing Care, Edinburgh, Stirling & Glasgow
A Sporting Chance - Ravelrig Riding for the Disabled, Balerno
Perfect Partnership - The Kiltwalk and The Sunday Post, Glasgow & Dundee
Charity of the Year - Toonspeak Young People’s Theatre, Glasgow
People’s Choice Award - Fife Gingerbread, Leven, Fife