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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Film showcases vital work of the voluntary sector during Covid-19

This news post is almost 4 years old

The Never More Needed campaign in Scotland has produced a film which documents the inspiring efforts of organisations from across the country

A new film has been released to detail the vital efforts of Scotland’s voluntary sector during the coronavirus.

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has today (Wednesday 28 April) released a short film showcasing the difference that charities, community groups and social enterprises are making to people and communities during the coronavirus pandemic.

The film – created by Media Co-op - is part of the #NeverMoreNeeded campaign, a national effort to help remind everyone how essential the voluntary sector is now and in the future.

Organisations featured in the video include Food Train, the Maryhill Integration Network and Cornerstone.

Anna Fowlie, chief executive of SCVO, said: “As we come out of lockdown, we are asking people to remember that Scotland’s charities, community and voluntary sector organisations have kept people safe in their homes during the most challenging year many of us have ever known. They’ve made sure people have food, medicine, digital devices, activities, company and counselling, and their work has been never more needed.

“SCVO is saying thank you to the thousands of people and organisations that contributed to this huge effort. Charities have lost millions through cancelled fundraising events and other activities, so we’re calling on everyone to give as much time, money and goods as they can to the organisations that have helped them over the last year and those who will be there as we emerge into recovery.”

HomeStart volunteer Alyson Ross is one of those who features in the film, detailing her experiences of supporting a family in Stirling during lockdown.

She said: “Volunteering just gives you that sense that you’re making a difference and offering someone some support.  It’s almost like karma - just paying back a little bit. I’m lucky that I’ve got a very supportive family. I’ve got really supportive friends and I just like to be that for other people. So I guess it’s a bit of a self-worth boost for me is knowing that I can help someone.  And it gives me something to do. 

“HomeStart is an amazing organisation.  I’ve worked with a lot of youth services and done a lot of youth and community groups and worked with children and young people but the work that HomeStart do is like nothing else I’ve ever experienced.  It’s so valuable and it’s so varied. It’s such interesting work they do and because each and every individual family is supported in a different way, the toolbelt that the staff have is just unbelievable. The range of volunteers they have, the range of staff is just so varied, it’s so wide – because it needs to be. And they work really hard to ensure that the match with each family is correct.”

Over the past 12 months, SCVO has collated the experiences of staff and volunteers in the voluntary sector, encouraging organisations to share their experiences of delivering services during the pandemic and sharing how coronavirus has impacted their work. It has also created web resources to help charities share their impact and show businesses and the public how they can support organisations during this time.

If you are a member of the public, business or politician you find out how you can support Scotland’s charities and voluntary organisations to recover from the Covid pandemic on the SCVO website.