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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Football fan raises £65,000 for men’s mental health in Euros walk challenge

This news post is 10 months old

Craig Ferguson has arrived in Munich ahead of Scotland’s first game at Euro 2024.

A Scotland football fan has raised over £65,000 after completing a 1,000 mile walk to Munich for charity. 

Craig Ferguson, 20 of Paisley, travelled on foot from Hampden to the German city over 41 days to raise money and awareness for men’s mental health.

Mr Ferguson set off on May 4 and was welcomed by a guard of honour in Munich when he arrived. 

He was raising funds for Brothers in Arms, a Scottish men’s mental health charity. 

The money raised for Brothers in Arms will go towards the development of a digital “talking and listening” tool named Blethr that aims to lower the male suicide rate in Scotland.

He told STV: “I can’t believe it. The sun is shining.

“All these people here just to see, you know, a daft 20-year-old from Scotland walking in, like, and it’s just amazing and honestly I couldn’t have dreamt of a better finish-line.

“Sharing stories along the way, that’s been my favourite part and one thing, what I will say is, you know, it’s become so apparent to me that, while spreading the message of men’s mental health all across these countries, is that everyone has their own story.

“It just goes to show you that it’s such a big topic and in specific the, you know, the issue of men’s mental health is just not spoken about enough.

“So, if I could sort of, you know, take the mantle to try and raise awareness for it then, I mean, I’m super proud of that and like I said, I think that has maybe been achieved by the amount of people here.”

Donations remain open to donate to Craig’s efforts.