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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Former charity chief executive heads up anti-racism drive

This news post is over 8 years old

​Former CAS chief executive will advise the Scottish Government on race equality

A major figure from Scotland’s third sector will spearhead the country’s efforts to tackle racism.

Kaliani Lyle will serve as an independent advisor to the Scottish Government with the aim of advancing the race equality agenda.

Ms Lyle was previously the chief executive of Citizens Advice Scotland and she stood down as Scotland’s Commissioner for Equality Human Rights Commission earlier this year.

She was also a member of the Christie Commission which looked at the delivery of public services.

The test will be to create real change for people who are directly affected by racial discrimination and lack of opportunity

Ms Lyle will act as an adviser, helping to take forward the race equality framework, which was launched in March and tasked with setting out a path for a fair and just society, free from discrimination and inequality for Scotland’s minority ethnic communities.

She said: “I welcome the opportunity to provide advice and challenge to the Scottish Government and partners on the implementation of the race equality framework.

“This framework was developed jointly with organisations and minority ethnic communities throughout Scotland. But now the test is how the framework will create real change for people on the ground – who are directly affected by racial discrimination and lack of opportunity.

“I see my role as a critical friend to the cabinet secretary Angela Constance and her team, and to ensure the voices of people with direct experience of racism and discrimination shape policy and practice across all of government.”

Equalities secretary Angela Constance said: “We are determined to lead in advancing race equality, and the Race Equality Framework sets out our approach to tackling racism. We want to achieve a fairer Scotland by ensuring people from minority ethnic communities realise their potential and have equality of opportunity.

“We know problems do, sadly, still exist. The framework was developed with an understanding of the clear need to avoid and eradicate racism, wherever it is found.

“The Scottish Government wants to build an inclusive and far reaching programme of work in this area, and the input of an experienced and independent adviser will help ensure we are doing everything we can to take forward the actions of the framework.”