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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Movie star Alan Rickman’s last job was for charity

This news post is about 9 years old

Much loved movie star's last job was to do a voice over for this tortoise video which automatically raises money for refugees with every watch

British film star Alan Rickman's last piece of work was doing a voice over for this charity video, recorded from his home at the end of November last year.

The much loved movie star's death aged 69 from cancer has sparked a wave of tributes from friends and fans. Famous for playing villans, such as Professor Snape in Harry Potter and Hans Gruber in Die Hard, in real life it seems the star had a heart of gold.

Rickman recorded the voiceover to help encourage people to watch the short video, which generates money for Save the Children and the Refugee Council with every watch. The more views, the more advertising revenue Youtube provides to the charities.

Watch the video now to help his last piece of work raise even more money.



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Elizabeth Y. Arcellana
about 9 years ago
Thank you Alan Rickman for the creativith and goodness and kindness you have shared with the world.
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about 9 years ago
what a grand man xxx
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Michelle Bangtson
about 9 years ago
Fantastic actor, gone too soon. X
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Eric Alexander Binnie
about 9 years ago
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Linda Christie
about 9 years ago
Remember to watch the actual video on YouTube as no donations will be generated by watching on this page.
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about 9 years ago
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about 9 years ago
There is no advert beforehand in this link so the advertising revenue won't be generated. I think people have to watch it on YouTube with the full ad first in order to raise the funds. Needs to be clarified.
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about 9 years ago
And may his wonderful work continue xx
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tony wilson
about 9 years ago
Cancer is a terrible thing to get, I had friend was told he lasted 18 days. My wife lasted 14 years that's still hurts god rest in peace all of you.
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about 9 years ago
Such a great actor ,so sad to be taken by Cancer My thoughts are with his family and close friends.loved all the films you were in,rip,Alan, : -( Xx
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Bijam Jenni Connaughton
about 9 years ago
Very good causes. Hope we find out how much money you tube donates.
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Timothy A Brinicombe
about 9 years ago
Thank you for your fabulous stage presence. A fine actor and human being. R.I.P Sir Rick.
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liz Axworthy
about 9 years ago
It's very sad to die so young.
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liz Axworthy
about 9 years ago
It's very sad to die so young. He was a very talented actor and he will be miss by everyone.
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Val Bridge
about 9 years ago
my tortoise would love to share too!
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Sara Price
about 9 years ago
important work & a wonderful actor..
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jo Parker
about 9 years ago
Tortoises xx Alan Rickman xx
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about 9 years ago
Thank you for being brilliant - particularly in the Barchester Chronicles xxx
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Walid addas
about 9 years ago
I like the man very much. His best role, in my opinion, is Valera in a movie about Micheal Collins , co starred by Liam Neeson. Both have don great. I didn't know his name before , but I always liked his roles. Villain or otherwise.
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Rebecca Manning Davis
about 9 years ago
The video is a hoot to watch, but I did tear up. I SO miss Alan Rickman!
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teejay johndon
about 9 years ago
Allan thankyou for being such a wonderful person,for your amazing way of reaching the hearts of all ages through kindness and inspiration RIP GOD BLESS forever in my heart and many others x
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about 9 years ago
Please sahre and help this get around.
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about 9 years ago
What a great man! Such a tragic loss to us all.. I still find it difficult to believe that he passed away. He will be missed greatly.
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about 9 years ago
Alan rickman legend. Thoughtful until the end X Watch on you tube otherwise no money will be generated
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about 9 years ago
Legend! Thank you AR for your artistic flair, another British treasure gone, we will miss you but remember you!
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Joode Weinhold
about 9 years ago
Such a wonderful man. This is such great cause.
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Carol grey
about 9 years ago
What a fine gentleman. RIP
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Annette mcquarrie
about 9 years ago
Hope it helps. Alan Rickman you left us too soon
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Sara Pearl
about 9 years ago
Alan was a wonderful actor, a true talent. He was in so many wonderful movies, he had charm and style. And obviously a good heart. I am happy to help his cause. Please watch his video.
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Sara Pearl
about 9 years ago
Goodnight sweet Alan Rickman, I wish you peace and hope that there is a better place with great theater and no pain. I am sending out a message and sharing your video.
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David Clancy
about 9 years ago
A loss to humanity but he shall live on not just for his parts in movies but a a decent human being.
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William Servant
about 9 years ago
I want a strawberrie!
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maggie hill
about 9 years ago
If this small video will help raise funds for cancer then i hope more people contribute.
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Catharine B.
about 9 years ago
Far too young to die (I'm the same age). Shall miss his wonderful presence and voice on film and TV. Rest in peace, Alan (from a Dutch fan)
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Tamara Machiels
about 9 years ago
You'll be missed, Alan. Lots of love from Belgium. /*
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about 9 years ago
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about 9 years ago
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about 9 years ago
sheriff of Nottingham and professor Snape -wonderful acting
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Mandy Carmichael
about 9 years ago
thank you for posting this and contributing towards those who are desperatly in need
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about 9 years ago
That is awesome, but are the views from this particular page also counted by YouTube? Not trying to be an ass here, just want to make sure my watching, and that of everyone else who followed the same link I have to get here, is doing some good.
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Peg O'Sullivan
about 9 years ago
A lasting legacy!
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about 9 years ago
Wonderful idea and loved Alan and his work He was extraordinary as an artist and human being.
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about 9 years ago
What a loss - way too soon...
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Julie Wren
about 9 years ago
What a great actor and compassionate man. God rest in peace.
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Jane Henriques
about 9 years ago
Great idea!
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about 9 years ago
A real gentleman with emphasis on the gentle.
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about 9 years ago
Some comments below indicate that revenue is generated only if the video is viewed via youtube, after watching the ad. Here is the link
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Lise Høgfeldt
about 9 years ago
Thank you❤️
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Bonnie Campeglio
almost 9 years ago
Such a wonderful plan! You rock Alan!!!
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Liliane Horton
about 8 years ago
A remarquable Man solely missed And a Great actor of course too!!
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over 7 years ago
He did great movies. You can watch all his movies for free on Terrarium tv app developed by
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over 7 years ago
he is a great person, enjoyed life in his own way, coming generations should know about him for inspiration.All his interviews and tv programs available on mobdro which is free for usage, gives live tv channels
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