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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Fund will help charities assist refugees in Scotland

This news post is over 8 years old

​Big Lottery Money will assist Scottish Refugee Council and Red Cross in helping refugees settle in Scotland

Funding to help refugees in Scotland has been announced by the Big Lottery Fund.

The new grant, for Scotland’s national refugee charity Scottish Refugee Council (SRC) alongside partner British Red Cross, will support refugees who have fled war, torture and persecution as they rebuild their lives in Scotland.

It will allow the charities to provide people with essential help and support, including help finding jobs and education and training opportunities which will help lay the foundations for a sustainable new life in this country.

Head of refugee integration at the SRC, Wafa Shaheen, said: “Refugees have many skills and talents but it can be difficult to build a new life in a foreign country. This funding will allow experienced caseworkers to support refugees who come through the asylum process to develop a personalised plan that identifies their skills and aspirations.

Scotland has a proud tradition of welcoming people who have experienced very difficult circumstances

“It means that we as Scotland’s national refugee charity can use our expertise gained over many years to support people to achieve their goals and to ensure that refugees can contribute to Scotland as they so desperately wish to do. It will also allow us to share our learning and expertise with colleagues in local authorities across Scotland who are now supporting recently arrived Syrian families.”

Big Lottery Fund Scotland chair Maureen McGinn said: “Scotland has a proud tradition of welcoming people who have experienced very difficult circumstances.

“This project, delivered by the Scottish Refugee Council, will make a real difference to the lives of people who have been granted leave to remain, as well as newly arrived refugees. It will provide much needed practical and emotional support to help them integrate into their new communities, while also reducing isolation and loneliness.”

The funding of £1.3 million from the Improving Lives Large Grants Scheme will primarily support individuals and families in the Glasgow area, although it will also offer some support to people in other Scottish locations.

Within Glasgow, the SRC will work with the support of Maryhill, Govan and Craigton, Cranhill and Glasgow North integration networks, and benefit from their expert knowledge of the local communities they serve.



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Robert McCall
over 8 years ago
The double standard will be revealed when t emerges that a senior member f the SRC staff had a significant role in justifying, alleged, racism at a charity who should not have put themselves in the position of being taken to an employment tribunal on the matter.
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